Benjamin Van Doorslaer

How To Fix All Your Business Problems (Fear to love part II)

Benjamin Van Doorslaer Season 1 Episode 2

if you as an entrepreneur are feeling a lot of misalignment in your business, in who you are and in how you are living your life in general these days, chances are you need to harmonize business and spirit in order to feel aligned again and move forward with the flow and the fulfillment you once had and felt. Now, This is of course easier said than done. I've just spent the last six months trying to figure this out and how to apply this in my life and business. My life drastically changed in just three years and in these three years I really made a quantum leap in many different areas in my life. However, my business basically was built in a way that it just couldn't catch up Now, I also must add that this is, um, a never ending journey where you just keep cycling up into higher versions of yourself and higher frequencies in which you can operate. This video is about just that. Now, whether you are helping people with learning how to breathe better, learning how to turn their expertise or passion into money, learning how to build better relationships, learning how to go through a burnout, whatever it is that you do, you are helping them become aware of that which is currently in the dark or not known to them. And so what you do is you help them expand their awareness and therefore you also help them expand their consciousness. Now, this, uh, awareness or unawareness can happen outside of themselves or it can be inside of themselves. But in the end, it will always come down to what is happening inside of themselves, because as is within, so is without. And so our external world is always projecting what is going on inside of ourselves. This is also, uh, applicable with our business. We are often trying to fix our business from the outside or we even see um, our business as something outside of ourselves. But for many of us, our business is simply also a reflection of our inner world. And if there is a disconnection inside, um, when our shadows still run a big part of us, this will also show outside in our business and feel as misalignment. Now, if we are unaware of that, we will try to fix this, um, from the outside of as well. Um, and this is things like funnels, strategies, scarcity, tactics, marketing tricks. This is when you are trying to find a solution for your misalignment with your business, by for example, getting a business coach who will help you build'a seven figure funnel on autopilot' or who swears by using a certain model. Like you have to have a high ticket offer, a mid ticket offer, and a low ticket offer, or you need a paying membership or build a community. Whatever it is, They are helping you fix the problem from the outside. Now this will never truly fix the problem you have with your business because what you have is a relationship problem with your business. Your business is no longer aligned with who you are. Now your business probably used to be aligned but you have gone through this experience of growing and building your business and you went through many other experiences in life but your business and what you do and how you show up in it maybe hasn't and so your business is no longer resonating with you as a person anymore, which is kind of normal. What you have created was created by a different version of you and most likely also on a lower frequency. So, uh, much of the intentions, much of the energies and even structures on which your business is running are simply outdated for you. It can even be so that the foundation on which you have Uh, built your business was still based in the fear programming and thus your business is simply a representation of a distorted version of you. So sometimes it will require changing small things, but sometimes it can also require that you have to start all over again, all this will depend on where the misalignment exactly is. Now the healthy way of building a business or being able to create a healthy relationship between you, your business, your clients, um, is what you could call harmony. And this depends on two things. First, It's how your business serves you as a vehicle for self actualization and discovery, especially if you are a more spiritual or conscious type of entrepreneur. However, I think this applies to most entrepreneurs because their business will be where most of their personal growth lies simply because of the sheer amount of time that they spend on it. And second, It's how your business is serving others and succeeds in distribution and transmission of information and the transformation it creates for your people. In order to achieve these two things, your business always needs to operate from the same frequency and purity as you are. And if you get that balance in that relationship right, and there is harmony, this means that you, the business itself, and your people are continuously together pushing each other forward. This idea is beautiful, but you might be asking, how do I do this? And the answer is actually quite simple. However, it's not easy to implement.` First of all, what you need to do is you need to allow spirit to be the guiding light. And this is no secret. It might even sound very cliche, but you already hold all the answers to all your problems and questions inside of you. You are already perfect. You just need to allow it to unfold. You are spirit, you are source. And what that source wants is you at your purest and highest self, in order to fully connect again with that source of which you are a representation. Now to do this, you will first need awareness. Without it, without awareness, you're just going to be stuck on a hamster wheel. And to expand that awareness, you will need space and time. And with that space and time, you will be able to sit with yourself, and do introspection, um, inside of you and in the outside world. There is no secret trick here. It's really simple because what wants to come up will eventually come up. So the only thing you need to do is tune into your inner world by listening to your thoughts and emotions. Now how exactly you want to do that is completely up to you. Some people do it by writing, some people do it by podcasting, some people do it by journaling, some people do it by meditation, walking, spending time in nature. It's really just about finding something that works for you to create that space and time in which you have the room and the flexibility to tune in with yourself and to listen to yourself. Now for your outside world, this is kind of the same. And this was one of my major insights in the past months, the universe, spirit or source, whatever you want to call it. It is always showing you what is still lying in the the dark, you are continually mirrored. And again, the only thing you need to do is just look, uh, is to watch and see what unfolds. You have to pay attention. You have to look for the signs, but the good thing is they are continuously and they are everywhere. Now, after you have aligned with spirit, next up is building a spiritually aligned business. Now this spiritually aligned business doesn't necessarily have to do anything with religion if you don't want it to be. It's much more about yourself, what your business is about, how it works, and of course the people you are serving, and trying to align those with each other. And doing it in a way that can create growth and value long term. Without getting stuck in it it and trying to reinvent everything all the time. Now there is many ways to do this, but here are some ideas of what I think are the most impactful and some of the things I've been doing inside of my business in order to create this harmony. Now, bear in mind that most of these things that you can apply to your business have everything to do with creating more white space in your life in order to create much more depth in all areas of your life in order to create a better you a better business and in order to help your people better so here are some ideas first of all, try to discover what are some of the hamster wheels you are running on are inside of your business. For many online entrepreneurs these days, it's social media. And so really try to stop being a slave through the algorithm game and start showing up on it in a way that truly aligns with you. Next, raise your prices. And this is something that is super difficult to do for many entrepreneurs simply because they don't know their own true value and so they don't succeed in getting paid for that true value by their client, by their people. Next, snipe down on serving only the right people. And this will be very difficult to do in the beginning. Um, because you will probably still be operating much on scarcity and fear. And that's why you are trying to serve too many people at the same time. But once you really can trust and surrender to that process of only helping, uh, your perfect clients, many of your problems will get solved. Then, and this is a major thing, uh, I also experienced myself, is to make your offers harmonious. And what I mean by this is that, many entrepreneurs, they become their offer and because they become their offer, they get completely stuck inside of it. So what you need to do is learn how to build a distance between yourself and the value that you can offer and the actual offers that you have or create and bring to your people in order to help them create transformation or change in their lives. Then look at which parts of your business are still run by old programming or older versions of you, for example, scarcity marketing, and see how you can change them in order to align much more with the person you are today. And finally, and this ties into what I just said, And this changed so much for me, but it's really to stop, um, hoping to find salvation in business models, in funnels, in old school marketing tactics, but start looking at how you can truly serve your people, start looking where to build more connection instead of using the digital as a way of creating more distance. And this means that instead of, uh, being the marketeer, really switch your focus and where you spend your time and energy and attention in your business in truly being a servant to your people. This will change so much. Now, if you succeed in implementing all these things, you will notice that everything will become so much easier, so much more enjoyable. And you will also just create so much more impact when you succeed in creating this alignment. Because what you do then becomes your craft, and your craft then becomes like a, a sacred service of the highest purity available to you at that moment. You are continuously rising in frequency, and in your life you will notice that you experience much more gratitude and bliss from everything that you touch. And, um, everyday life will start to feel more and more like magic. Now, because there is harmony between you, your business and who you serve, this actually becomes a transmission for that frequency that you are in for the frequency of love. And the ones you serve will be impacted and transformed by that to also operate more and more in those higher frequencies, which, in turn will transform their lives, their business or jobs and those they impact and so on. And so what this becomes is like an unstoppable force, a force of higher frequencies, a force of love, which will massively impact humanity. This is of course something that also drives me and why I believe that creating this harmony, creating this alignment between all those different things, will eventually create a massive ripple effect throughout human consciousness. Now I've explained to you this concept of creating harmony in business and spirit and what it can bring for you, now I'm of course super curious about what you think about this concept. Let me know in the comments and I would love to see you again in a next video. Bye guys.