Benjamin Van Doorslaer

How Spirituality Can Change Your Life

Benjamin Van Doorslaer Season 1 Episode 3

So I got a reaction to an email this week from somebody saying that, Hey, I'm happy you found spirituality, but I don't need spirituality in my life. And I got it as a reaction to the video I sent out in the video about why I decided to quit my online business and why I went on this deep introspective and spiritual journey in the past six months that has been calling me for quite a while. Um, and I was kind of triggered by that reaction and I found that reaction very interesting and I wanted to go a little bit deeper into that reaction or into that idea that you don't need spirituality in your life. And it really reminded me somehow, um, at some of the reactions I got before I started on this spiritual journey. And I was talking a lot about financial freedom and money and what the role is of money and how it works in this world and how it is, in my opinion, extremely important and definitely a way to, uh, to find happiness in life. Now I'll get to that a bit later on in the video, uh, but I got many responses of people in that time where I was focused on talking about that topic, uh, saying, you know, you're always talking about money, but money is not important. Money is not making you happy or money can't make you happy. And then when I was going deeper into, um, who was saying this, I discovered that usually these people that were saying that were people who didn't have money and who were having loads and loads of limiting beliefs around money or like very negative associations with it. And I feel somehow that this also applies to spirituality that, um, if you say that you don't need spirituality in your life is that first, you might not have like a clear understanding of what spirituality means, or you associate it with something, uh, bad or something you have a negative feeling towards or something that scares you. And I think this, at least what I felt through this, through this email, that this Also applied to this reaction. And, um, what I notice is that, and I even noticed it in myself, like. For example, when somebody starts talking about God or Jesus or Allah or something like that, I automatically associate it with religion and religion has like a, a very negative connation with me. I have like a, uh, a negative relationship with it in the sense that I think it's something bad or it's something I, I don't want to be part of and so what happens is that, you know, when going through this information and I see something about it about that I automatically push it away or ignore it or think it's bad or think it's not useful to me And so it's like it's like a filter And I think a big part of that is is my ego. Now if you talk about spirituality or what it means to me Then the way you interpreted my words, they might um, cause a, religious association with you. And this might actually be something good for you, or this might actually be something bad for you. It really depends on, on where you're coming from, but what spirituality means for me and you know, I'm still discovering this subject. I think it's an, it's a lifelong discovery. But what it means for me is that it, it is about finding spirit and it is about finding your true self. And it is about allowing that process to happen. And it's about going down into that deep introspective journey. And. allowing your life to be filled with this higher self with this best version of you, and then allowing it to unfold what that means into your life. And at some point also starting to allow to trust this thing that this highest version of yourself um, knows what it's doing and knows what's best and knows what's your journey. And so the way I look at it is that there is something that is so beautiful that is inside of you, um, that is something that you are, but at the same time, it is also something that is bigger than your current version of it as an individual human that you are in, how you are experiencing this life. So it's both, it's it's you, it's what inside of you, but at the same time, it's also something bigger than you. Um, something more of a collective sorts of thing. Um. In which, or to which you are deeply connected, of which you are kind of a representation in this worldly, in this earthly realm that you can experience in human form. And so you are a part of something bigger and that bigger thing, uh, or you have come here to experience that, or to try to find that, or to try to reconnect with that. And I think that is the interesting thing because, It is something that is already inside of you, it is something that you already are, but because of the way our world is currently organized or our world is working because we live in a distorted version of reality, there is a disconnect and there is an unawareness for that idea that I just explained for that, which I think is, is, is the truth of how our universe works or what life is about or what you are about. And so you go through life. Um, in the beginning or maybe your whole life or big parts of it, unaware of that. And through your life experience, you start to pick up more and more pieces down the road towards this bigger thing that you can connect with. I don't think there is like an, or I don't want to see it as like an, there's like an end goal or there's like this certain level you need to achieve before you're done with it. I don't see it like that at all. I think that's just like a human way of trying to make sense of everything, of trying to make sense of reality. I even think that might be a very dangerous way to look at spirituality. You know, that you're never good enough, while, it's actually the opposite. You are already perfect. You already are what you're supposed to, what you think you need to become. Um, but still there's like a journey towards this to, to actually become that. Which is the tricky part, which is something in which many people get lost, um, again, and I'm not an expert in this. I don't hold all the answers. I don't know if anybody holds all the answers. Um, but still, this is something that, or that is how spirituality feels to me. It's that it's about this journey. Of really connecting to yourself again and connecting to source. Let's I, I like to call it source, which is something, um, bigger than myself, but at the same time, it's also me and I'm like an expression of it. And because as I said, In this dimension, in this human realm, we experience that expression of source as a human, and it's kind of limited to certain rules or to certain ways of experiencing that. And because it is this kind of experience, the whole way it was set up in this dimension is perhaps maybe about the discovery again of that source. Maybe this, this consciousness, maybe the source just wants to rediscover itself through all this experiences. You know, what if, um, consciousness just simply wants to experience itself and therefore created something like what we are as a human are experiencing in order for it to be able to experience that and maybe at some point become whole again through that experience. I dunno if that's true, but that's sometimes how, how it feels to me. And so we, as a human, we have free will. We have an individual choice in how far we want to go. And so I wanna say that. If you don't allow or you don't want to allow spirituality in your life, where you don't need it, then you know, that's, that's your, that's your free will. That's your individual choice. However, I think it's kind of a missed chance because somehow this spirit, it wants to discover itself, you know, and because it's such a, big all encompassing thing, it is bigger than your individual will. It is so much bigger than your ego but however your ego can stand in the way of it and depending on how much your ego is standing in the way of your true essence of what you really are of the source of trying to grow and expand and discover itself This will also determine how much it will succeed. However, and I think this is an important, uh, thing to take into account because this is such a strong force and because it wants to discover itself through this human experience. You as an individual are having, it is going to push for it. And so this is where your ego. Or your whole experience here on earth might truly suffer by blocking it because It is so strong. It wants to come out. It wants to show itself but It has consequences Whether you allow it to happen Because it really wants to find you. It really wants to find itself. It really wants to reestablish connection, connection with itself. Or if you, your ego, your mind construct in how you try to make sense of everything here that is going on as a human is blocking it. And I think source then might be mutated in, in, in a certain form. And your ego might try to find solutions for dealing with that source that wants to find itself in the wrong areas or in the wrong ways. And you might push yourself further away from source because you don't want to discover it. You know, it's trying to keep like a door shut for something that is just a matter of time before it comes down the door. And so you try, you try to hide from it. You try to, um, Hide away from it. And you, and you might try to do that in, in, in dark places, in places where you think that that light might not, might not enter. And this is how you kind of are trying to escape yourself. And so I think this might also lead to, to bad stuff happening. Um, And this might be an explanation also for a lot of the bad habits or a lot of the destructive behaviors we get engaged in. And I know it's not only about that because, you know, you also have like trauma and healing and maybe even some ancestral stuff that is still playing parts with you in your current experience as your current form as human. But I do think you need to like be careful with saying that you don't need spirituality in your life. It's like saying, Hey, I don't, I don't really want to get to know myself. I don't really want to get intimate with myself. Uh, you know, I don't really want to like, have a good time or cuddle up or, or discover how, how great I can be myself. And so this is something that I think. Or I was just triggered to tell something about and I think it's, it's all about just creating awareness on what spirituality is and being aware that your ego might, um, might try to keep you away from engaging with spirituality because it has certain limiting beliefs and it has like a negative connotation or association with it and it thinks it automatically means something which you might think about in a negative way. So you might just be keeping yourself small because you're scared of spirituality, not because you're scared of something religious, but because in essence, you're just scared of turning inwards and yeah, see what comes up and see all the things you truly have to deal with before you can truly reconnect with your essence. And I, I understand that. And for me, it's also something that, that scared me, um, before jumping on this calling, because I've been quite a spiritual being, uh, my whole life. I think we all are, but, um, just being aware of it. This always played some part in my life, spirituality. But I was really scared of, you know, if I. Take like this, this leap of faith, or I take like this deep dive, I take this big leap and I go really deep in it, deeper than I've ever been before. How will it affect me? I think this might be even like the biggest thing, like how will it change my life? I think this is the fear that is. That is, that is the deepest fear for everyone engaging in spirituality because you automatically get scared that you, or I got scared, for example, that I might end up somewhere in the air, you know, that, that I wouldn't stay grounded anymore, that I wouldn't have my feet on the ground anymore. Um, and that it would, would have such a drastic impact on my life that I would just become a completely new person. And I would like loose touch with everything that is a materialistic expression in this realm on this earth. And so I would become this classic, cliche idea we have of somebody who's like super spiritual, you know, they, they don't care about anything no more. They experienced like an ego death and they now just live a life devoted to spirit somewhere. Far away from civilization, um, without the need for anything materialistic. And I was, I was actually scared before I got on this quite deep journey in the past six months, I was scared, like, Oh, what will it do to me if I discover my essence of, or if I discover my spirit? And again, it's not like, that journey has ended or I found like the holy grail in it, or it's done now and I achieved it. No, no, no, that's, that's absolutely not the case. It's really not what I want to try to say with this video, but I think the fear of how it might change your life at this moment might be the biggest fear stopping you from embracing spirituality in your life. Um, while spirituality is basically something that can make you better and can make your life more enjoyable and deeper, although it's of course not always easy, but still I think this is something, worth mentioning. Something else I might add is that some people also think that spirituality it is linked to, as I said before in this video, like really religious devotion, you know, like praying to God every day, reading the Bible or the Koran, living the rules of a certain religion or on the other spectrum, you know, it means you have to do ayahuasca, cermonies, or you need to trip on mushrooms every so much time in order to truly discover, you know, God or source or how the universe works or whatever. And I think this is, this is complete bullshit. You know, if, you have like a devoted practice towards something greater or towards yourself. I think that that can be super helpful. For one person praying to Jesus every day, it might be basically the same as for another person just saying out loud their affirmations in the mirror every day, or saying out loud what they desire from life. You know, it's the same, it's a form of prayer if you do it in the right way. If somebody feels the need or the calling to, um, to use plant medicines in order to explore deeper into their spirituality, fine, you know, this it's, it's how you choose. I just, I don't think. Any of them is, is, is necessary. No, you don't have to do any of those things in order to be a spiritual person or in order, um, to embark on this journey or in order to discover something and learn something in this journey. I think everybody has to really find out for themselves what this truly means for them and how they can apply it to their lives and how it can improve their lives. Um, which is something completely different than saying, Hey, I don't need spirituality in my life. And you just close the door for it. And you just kind of miss huge amounts of personal development and the experience of some pretty cool stuff in your life and in your being and even in your everyday bliss and magic and these are things that I experienced and that I discovered here going on this journey. And if you're like, hej, you know what? This is as far as I want to go in this lifetime. And that's it doesn't have to be more for me. I don't need any more spirituality then. So be it, you know, um, fine. Why not? However, I don't think I don't believe that this is something that you, um, or your current self will actually be able to decide, especially not if you haven't built a certain relationship with spirituality or practice it in some form before in your life. And there might just come a point where, yeah, it, it will come knocking at your door, uh, loudly. It will start bonking on your door and then it's going to be up to you to see whether you're going to allow it or not. But I'm not sure if you really have much say in that, to be honest. So these are just my two cents on spirituality and you know, more recently I really started seeing the link between what spirituality means for me and in my life, but also in my business. And, and I just discovered as I talked about in previous videos, I just discovered the misalignment that was happening between myself, what I was doing and how I was making my money and the people I was serving. And spirituality had basically everything to do with that. And spirituality was also where I found all the answers to all those problems and misalignment I was talking about. And the solution was truly about aligning a, my current version, the current version of self I can experience aligning that with how I was making my money and who I was helping too. Um, so yeah, just my two cents on spirituality, I hope you guys found something interesting in this video. And of course, as always, I'm super curious, for what you guys think about, um, this video, any questions, any remarks, um, things you agree with, things you disagree with. And of course, just your guy's opinion on spirituality, what it means to your life and how you implement it. Oh, by the way, what I wanted to add is that this is like more of a, a rawer version of recording It might not be as smooth as other videos you've seen from me, but I personally kind of like this way of doing things more. I think it's just the realest that it can get and the most authentic that it can get. Because if I really like prepare my videos, uh, it's not that the message changes or, or what's inside of it changes, but like the, the realness or the authenticity or the rawness of the delivery, it just changes. And so the impact of it also might change because it might feel less raw or less real to you guys. So I'm really wondering if you like this way of recording videos more, which is more me just like talking and might be some, some small edits in the videos. Um, or if you really like the previous videos that are more like written out, um, cleanly cut and well prepared, let me know, guys. Love to see you in the next video. Ciao.