Benjamin Van Doorslaer

How I Conquer Fear & Self Doubt In Times Of Change

Benjamin Van Doorslaer Season 1 Episode 4

Hello, my friends. I'm recording this, uh, the day I sent out the invitations for Shift, my new mastermind, the new venture I'm putting into the world. And I'm recording this from the beach. Um, I'm looking at the ocean, so I hope, uh, The sound is okay and that the ocean and the waves are not, uh, spoiling, the recording, but I guess I'll find out quite soon when I listen to this recording, but anyway, I wanted to share something about fear and self doubt and anxiety and. I have been experiencing a lot of fear and self doubt in the past, uh, weeks, the past two weeks. It started since the launch of Shift was becoming something tangible, was becoming something real. And, um, just all these questions, you know, if it was a smart idea to end Money Matrix, if people are going to buy my new thing, Like if this, this shift in myself or this move towards, yeah, talking about completely different stuff, although I don't see it as completely different because it's just the same stuff, but in a higher frequency, but if this will really keep resonating with my audience or if I'm going to like lose my whole audience, if I'm going to like kind of need to start all over again from really from from zero. And if I was going to be able to copy my success, like, so all these questions start arising, and I'm starting to think about all the decisions I made and start to think about, you know, how stupid these decisions are. This, these feelings, they got better the moment I actually released my first video where I talk about, uh, what happened in this past six months in this introspective journey. I call it that video, uh, why I quit my online business and it's kind of a series that is titled from fear to love. So it's a good starting point if you haven't seen that, uh, that one before. Um, it gives you some insight in what I have been doing the past six months. And, it got like much better after posting that video because I got like a lot of positive reactions, you know, people who are really resonating with this video. And because I saw that people are resonating with this video, I knew, or I saw it, or I experienced it as some sort of confirmation for what I'm trying to build next. But what I'm trying to build next is, although it's kind of the same mission, it's, it's still like a lot different from what I have been doing, because what I have been doing was built one in a completely different energy. And so this new thing will also speak to, uh, to a different audience or will need to speak to a different audience. Um, what I did first was something that was basically accessible to anyone who, um, wanted to improve their financial situation and wanted to build more freedom. Um, and what I'm doing next is like very focused on entrepreneurs. Um, what I'm doing next is not for beginners. While what I did before money matrix was kind of really tailored to beginners. And so, you know, there's, there's this big gap and, and it's in that gap that a lot of the, the fear is for me. Um, and so. Today, I sended out the emails, uh, for the invitation for Shift and this email just contained like me announcing that, it's live and that people can go to our website and on this website, there's some information for what Shift is, a video about me explaining what it is, and then they can book a call. And so I've sent out these emails this morning, I posted it in my own community the day before. And the emails I sent out today were not to my whole audience, but they were tailored to, um, or they were sent to people who already bought something of me once or at least once. And actually the, uh, reactions I got so far were like very, very, very low. And so only two book, two calls got booked so far and zero calls got booked through my community and two calls got booked through my client list or my ex client list, whatever you want to call it. And so the whole day I've been experiencing this, the same feelings of self doubt again, and especially because I've had great success with money matrix, you know, and it, and it was something that, it hold it like much more potential if I would have wanted to continue building it, but I didn't, but I don't want to like take a, a real step back into results, you know, let's, I think that's kind of logical. My ego doesn't want that. And so I'm expecting to be able to copy that success, but in a better way,, in a way that will, uh, mean less work for me, in a way that means more results for the clients in a way that means, more money for me in a way that means, more transformation for those involved, et cetera, et cetera, just really build something better Something bigger and something more impactful than, um, what I, what I built before, but it is kind of starting from scratch again. And so, because I got so, so less responses, or at least in my mind, I feel like the amount of responses so far is super low, I'm like immediately like having these, um, Almost existential fears again, you know, um, what if nobody is gonna buy this I just put it out in the world, like, how will I, how will I look to the world if this doesn't succeed? Like, how will I look? I will look like a loser or like an idiot. And so I'm, I'm immediately picturing this extreme situation where everything just goes completely to shit. And the strange thing is that it's, I mean, it's kind of stupid because my goal is to get the first 10 people inside. And with these first 10 people, I'm going to be able to really dial down on the value. So I know my messaging is not perfect right now, and maybe if this continues and if nobody else is going to book a call, that means that my messaging is completely off, but it doesn't mean that the whole project is going to fail or it's not going to succeed. And so I went looking deeper and deeper and then where does this come from, you know, where does this fear in itself, that in this anxiety come from? Because it's, it's a stupid, it's stupid to conclude that it's a failure. I mean, I just started and there's much more potential for it. I started going deeper, as I said, and what I discovered sitting here on the beach, like surrounded by nature, is always where I go to if I really need to, like, connect, reconnect with myself, um, or really tune into myself and, and, and try to listen to what my intuition is telling me. But what I've noticed it, what it came, or what it comes down on is, it's pride. Um, it's and in my case, pride. Um, you know, I'm just super scared for What people are going to think of me or what people are going to say of me. And also the effect is going to have on me taking forward action. If this thing like fails, if nobody's going to buy it, or if I was like completely wrong, and then at the same time, I'm, I'm like pointing a finger at me, like at myself, like, Hey, you dumb motherfucker, you just kind of, burn the bridge, like you blew it up. Something that you could probably turn into many, many, many more millions. You just blew it up by ending it and starting a new thing and you don't have an income right now. And of course, I have the luxury of having built a certain amount of financial freedom. Then again, I still want to work. I still want to make money. And so in that story, I also have big dreams. I have big dreams that will require me to make a lot more money than I currently have. And so I need an income, you know, I need to make money. I, I, I kind of feel like I need to copy, uh, or at least copy the success of money matrix, but not exactly copy. I, I treat it like as a new baseline. And so in the end. I think most of the fear just comes from pride, you know, like not being able to, or the fear for not being able to quickly succeed as I did with, for example, money matrix. Um, and so it all comes down on approval and what other people think of me when I sit here in nature. And I just try to, um, quiet my, my thoughts or just try to like, not pay attention to my thoughts too much and just really tuning into how I feel. What I remembered was that I've been through this period many times in my life. And because I've been through it, is exactly the reason why I'm here. Because I had the bravery to go through it, is the reason why I'm now sitting here, on a beach, in my paradise, with the freedom that I've built for myself. And it all comes down to listening to the heart. And tuning into the heart and trying to follow what the heart is telling you what to do and not to the mind. Because if you're going to follow what the mind is telling you what to do, then you might make decisions based on fear or based on scarcity. You know, this is how my mind is now, is now running. It's, it's feeling certain emotions and it's. It's trying to make up stuff. It's trying to find solutions to those feelings and to these emotions that I'm experiencing. Um, in trying to find solutions for fixing the problems that I think I have and that I'm experiencing because I'm experiencing, this certain emotions. And so the key where it comes down to is, you know, you can embrace the fear and you can embrace the scarcity and you can push through it, which is a way of doing it. Maybe it's more about. Meeting yourself or better said, maybe it's more about the way you meet yourself when these type of situations occur. So, as I said, I could now start listening to the fear and already starting to think about all these possible solutions I could be, um, implementing in trying to find clients as soon as possible in order to fulfill that fear. Or that idea that I have that I need to quickly book a success so that my self pride is intact, if that makes any sense. So my mind is trying to make up solutions for the discomfort my own self pride is experiencing. But that is not the right emotion or the right fear or the right whatever experience to listen to. That is not handling in trust, that is not surrendering to what your heart has been telling you what to do. And again, it has always been about following my heart and kind of almost ignoring the fear and anxiety in my mind in order to be able to go forward in the way I really want and in a way to be able to really, um, build and grow. the dream life I've always been dreaming in, in order to really, um, turn my dreams into reality. But as I said, I now think that there is an even better way to do that than that. It's not about like being able to tolerate the fear. It's more about how do I meet myself in this situation? Am I going to follow that part of me that wants to book a quick success? So, My fear can disappear. My self pride is intact, but as a consequence, what I'm trying to build might not be in the most perfect way possible, or am I going to listen to my heart? Am I going to think about all the mistakes I've made before that I don't want to repeat? Am I going to allow myself to be in that space, in that room? Am I going to create enough room for myself, enough room for the act and the process of surrendering and trust to be able to take place and be there and be in that space? Or am I going to do the other thing? And I think it's about. Trying to figure that out. Like, how do I meet myself in the other place? Because I know how to meet myself in the place of fear. As I said before, as I've said many times, I know how to use fear as a superpower and it can, it can serve you amazingly, but it can serve you only up to a point and now I'm stepping into this new reality, new way of doing things. And I think that I now also need to learn how to meet myself. in this other space, in the space of trust. And how I exactly try to do that is just listening to my heart, listening to the grander vision. listening to my intuition and just in a conscious way try to be in that space and in that room. As I said this is also new for me and so this is about meeting me in that way about meeting me in a way that there is room for that higher self. to present itself and to show itself in how this thing can be done in a different way. I know the old part. I know the fear part. I know it's one part of it is a self doubter and because there's a self doubter on the other spectrum, there's also what I call an overcompensator. And so the overcompensator is always trying to, um, to fix things. It can't quit. It can't let go. Well, the self doubter wants to let go and wants to quit. And so these are like two extremes of each other that really hold this energy of fear alive. And then on the other hand, you have this new thing, this more intuitive thing, this thing that operates from surrendering this thing, this thing that operates from trust, this thing that operates from a place that knows and feels and trusts in the idea that it doesn't have to do it all by itself. It can surrender, it can connect, it can be part of something bigger that will allow the energetic exchange to be in a much healthier way and that will allow the energetic, exchange that needed to be received. And this is a completely different way of operating for me. And so It's just for me super interesting to see how this, yeah, the shift I'm going through is, is unfolding. And I'm curious and I'm definitely going to keep you guys up to date on how this thing is going forward. So I really hope this information can help you guys in order to make the shifts needed in your own life. And I will be happy to share the, this journey with you guys in the next recording. Talk to you soon. Bye bye.