Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Why Your Mother Is Wrong

Benjamin Van Doorslaer Season 1 Episode 6

Today I want to talk about why you shouldn't listen to your mother. Now this might not always be the case but what I mean by this is that you have to be really careful about whose advice you consider taking and consider acting on because, and this is especially true if you haven't achieved the freedom or the wealth yet that you dream of, chances are quite big that the people that are surrounding you also. haven't achieved what you are trying to work towards. And so the people in your surroundings, they will always give you advice. And a lot of that advice is based on projections of their own programming. And since that 99 percent of People on this planet live in a fear based condition or fear based programming. Um, they always choose for the illusionary, and illusionary is an important word in this, security and safety that is offered, uh, by things that are not, uh, in their own responsibility or in their own making and that are offered by stuff in the external world, in, uh, external systems. Like, for example, in our world, governments. So, it's just because. uh, act on fear, their self doubt, their anxiety, their fear for failure is bigger than their belief in succeeding. And they project this onto you. They have been programmed like this. You are usually somebody who is very dear to them and so in one case they wanna, on one hand they wanna protect you from what they think is a bad decision and will have negative effects on you. And on the other hand, and that's also an important thing, To consider is that they don't want to see you succeed. Now they don't, or they might not always, um, do this on a conscious level. They might be completely unaware of it. Some will be aware of it and some just don't want you succeeding because if you succeed. if you actually built your dreams, um, this is going to be very confronting for the people in your surroundings because it's going to show them, it's going to mirror them, um, yeah, their own failures or their, their own incapacity to succeed in life or to build their dreams. And so this is something you, you really have to be conscious about. This is also why at some point when you start to really. find your own path, your unconventional path, outside of what society portrays as being successful or on how to live your life, you're going to start noticing, uh, much resistance and much tensions, uh, between you and the people in your immediate surroundings or in your old surroundings, let's say, um, the people closest to you, your family, your friends, colleagues, or whatever. And what is actually happening is that you're starting to deepen your relationship with your higher self because your higher self wants to live in freedom and in love. And it's actually helping you succeed in that if you allow it to. So you're starting to deepen your relationship and because you're starting to deepen your relationship with it, you're also starting to vibe higher. You're starting to operate in higher frequency because you're growing towards this frequency of abundance, of love, of trust and surrendering. And so what happens is literally you are, even physically, you're starting to vibrate on another level. So you can, you can see it like as radio, as a, as a radio waves, um, your wave is changing. And so the surroundings you were in before these surroundings, um, there was an equilibrium. There was like a balance between all the different people, uh, inside that environment and they exchanged waves with each other and the waves they were exchanging with each other, they kind of like create this balance, this equilibrium, this, this feeling of safety, this feeling of having a good life, being successful with each other in the, inside of that equilibrium, inside of that environment. Now, if you are, um, vibing higher and you're starting to, um, cast out different waveforms, um, then there's not going to be any synergy anymore, there's not going to be balance anymore. So it literally will start to collide, start to create tension, start to create chaos, start to create noise. And that is why you will see as you are building your dreams and your surrounding environment isn't, the people around you aren't, and they stay in this fear programming frequency. fear programming system and they use that system, um, for them to be able to survive on it, to be dependable on it, you will see that it creates, um, it will start to create distance because there's just, it's just not vibing anymore. You know, there's, there's tension. And people will start to act differently, will start to remove themselves or you will start to remove yourself because you just, you just, you might be, um, uh, consciously unaware of it, but it is actually happening. And so that is why it is super important to, um, Take that into account that if you're going to do this, you know, you're going to hit a lot of resistance, it's not going to be easy, there's going to be a lot of sacrifice, there's going to be a lot of hard times ahead of you, that's just the way it is because you are pushing through, like fighting through these lower frequencies and everything, and those will lead to a higher way of being, and what you need to be aware of is that And that's why I used your mother as an example because this morning I was having breakfast with my mother. My mother is actually, she's one of my biggest supporters. She's, I think, next to my wife and next to my sister. They, they are my biggest supporters, you know, and I've had so much support from her, like unconditionally, you know, and she has helped me in my business and when things got busy and she helped me with some administration and some accounting and stuff like that. So she, if I need her, she's there for me. So I love her like unconditionally. I love her so much and I'm so grateful for her in my life. Um, however, if I would have literally followed her advice throughout my life, I would not have achieved the freedom that I have. I would not have achieved the wealth that I have created for myself. I would not be able to now talk about what I'm talking about right now if I would have literally followed her advice. And what I do is that I use her advice, um, almost as like, um, like a counter, like a counter reader. I almost do the opposite of what she says. Not always, you know, I'm not gonna say that the people surrounding you are always wrong. That's not true. Um, but often, um, their advice just comes from the wrong place. And since they don't have the experience, um, of building this freedom or since that the people that are giving you advice are not the people whose life you would be willing to live, not completely, but for a big part, um, it's not the advice you need to follow. And, um, the interesting thing here is with the fear programming is, and I noticed this with, for example, my mother is a good indicator of that, um, they usually see the world, um, as a dangerous place, as a place where all sorts of things could go wrong. And as a place where the place where they make these decisions from is from that place of fear, from that place of scarcity, so they make their decisions based on everything that could go wrong. And this is, this is how most of us have grown up. Most of us are programmed today. That's why it's, it's so damn difficult to go the other way. Because it's, it's so deeply, um, deeply weaved in, in, in how our society works. And humanity is transitioning. We are transitioning away from that. But of course, this is a rather slow process. And undoing all that programming is of course super difficult. And the only way you can undo that programming is in first see, uh, with others who have done that, uh, what is possible. And you will discover when you surround yourself with these type of people, there's nothing kind of special about it. You know, it's, the formula is quite simple. It's just not always easy to implement, but by seeing it in others, you resonate with, from who you can see like, Hey, this, this guy or this woman is not something super special. Uh, I have the same skills and talents and, and, and opportunities and possibilities. Um, I can do this too. So these type of people. They're look, they're going to look at the world in a, in a different way. They don't look at the world in a way of everything that could go wrong. And so they make their decisions based on searching for stability and security in that outside world where it is offered by a system that is actually there. Disconnect you from that which is what exactly what you need in order to create your dreams, uh, your, your infinite creative force, um, the people, um, who have made that journey and who, um, put themselves outside of that system and outside of that fear programming, they look at the world completely different, completely opposite. They look at the world like, Uh, if they make a decision, they do it from a place where they see everything going well. They see themselves succeeding. They believe in themselves and they have this capability, this capacity to have a vision inside of their minds, something new, something that doesn't exist yet. And they know that or they trust that they will be able to actually create that. And this is one of your biggest gifts as a human. You have the ability to create your own reality and you actually you all you're always creating your own reality. Um, especially if you're unaware of it. Um, because if you're unaware of it, you are probably running on a fear based programming and your reality is just a result of that. So you're always creating your own reality. But what I mean is not just creating your own reality, it's mastering your own reality. And once you start to slowly master Um, trust more and more in, in, the knowing that what you have in mind is something that you can actually create in the real world. All you need is to trust in that and, um, to do what is necessary in order to achieve that and create that. Then things, um, can really start to change. Then, then that's when you speak about when you start to really manifest your reality. As I said, you always, you're always manifesting your reality, but, um, what people don't understand is they do it unconsciously. And what I mean then, or what most people think is meant by manifesting your reality is about creating the reality that you truly want in your life. And so. It looks like such a simple distinction, but it truly, it makes all the difference. So what I, um, invite you to do is to really listen, um, to what people close to you are advising you and try to understand from which place this is coming from, but also really listen to how you yourself are, uh, thinking about going forward. You know, are you making decisions based on being fearful that it won't succeed? Because if you do this, then you're not never going to reach your full potential. It's, it's impossible. Your full potential cannot freely flow. If you lower yourself to doing things from a place of fear and are trying to search for security and safety, which in itself, in this world, in this external world, world is an illusion. You can. Only find true security and safety within yourself. Nothing outside of you can offer you that. Although most of us think we can offer that. And this is a transition in time in which will just show itself more and more and people will become more and more aware of the fact that they can't really have security and safety when they don't take full responsibilities for their own life. So it all starts about really on the first day of the year. place you become aware of what your outside world is telling you, and you can become aware of how you react to that. Because, you know, there will be fear, there will be self doubt, but the question is, um, are you gonna let it stop you? Or are you gonna be able to build the resistance, to build the capacity to meet yourself beyond that? and to not choose fear and anxiety to make your decisions based on but to choose surrendering to choose trust. Um, and this all starts in really paying attention to what your, um, environment is feeding you for information, but also how you respond to that information. And next is really going deeper. I mean, The first thing is easier than the second one because the second one is really trying to listen to yourself, uh, what you are telling yourself each and every moment of the day about things like that, about, uh, realizing your dreams, you know, so it's really helpful. This is what I wanted to share with, uh, with this audio. So I hope this can be insightful for you in making better decisions and just creating your, your dreams. And trust me, this, this fear and this anxiety, this self doubt, it doesn't just go away at some day, you know, it will always be there. Because it's there. It's never going to be easy. You know, the formula, as I said, can be simple, but implementing it and keep, keep growing. There's, there's, you can only grow if you go outside of your comfort zone. So, uh, even if you have already had major successes in certain areas in your life, every time you're gonna want to become somebody new and start doing something new or on a, in a different level that is new to you. this fear and this anxiety and this self doubt will always arise again. And so it's so, so, so important to have people surrounding you that can support you in this. Because you are, you won't be able to fully do this 100 percent on yourself, you know. You need people that understand this surrounding you, that make you better. Um, so it's, it's very important to have Okay guys, that's it. Talk to you soon.