Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Return To The Matrix

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Lovely people, back in Belgium for a little visit walking in, uh, one of the parks in my hometown in Antwerp and I was supposed to, I was supposed to go to the police because I'm selling our camper which we bought when we left Belgium But it became pretty clear pretty fast that that wasn't like the best uh way of living for us. Not that it wasn't fun but just combining it with our businesses and trying to live comfortably was just difficult and it's when also where we discovered that Um, yeah, we love luxury, you know, we love comfort. And especially for me individually, it's like super important to have comfort and it really adds a lot to my own experienced quality of life. But it was like an experiment because, you know, we were breaking away from a way of living that is, um, presented to us or told to us that that is the right way to live your life. And so when you break away from that, it's kind of, yeah, it's, It becomes self discovery and you need to discover what actually works for you. Nobody writes this manual or nobody has written this manual and you really have to find out yourself. So it's not why I'm making this video but the reason why I'm telling you that is that I lost a paper so I sold the camper and at the moment the guy wanted to take the camper home We discovered that a paper was missing so I had to go to the cops. But of course with what I don't or what I what I didn't know is that these days you need to make an appointment to be able to enter the police office And so I didn't know and yeah had to make an appointment So I need to come back later um, but why I make this video is that every time I come to Antwerp or back to Belgium, um, I have this different experience. And I think it is because I come back in a, every time I come back, it's in a higher vibe. And about three years ago now, since we, I think it's, um, almost three years, not even three years, I think. I think it's about exactly three years ago that I, that we made the conscious decision to leave Belgium. We were still in Belgium back then. I think by August this year, it will be three years since we left. So it's so crazy because so much happened. And every time I talk about it with my wife, we were like, we can't believe it's, it's only three years. It feels like, it feels like we've been through a couple of lifetimes in these three years. And I think we actually did because time just moves different. It's crazy. In different places on earth and in different dimensions and in different frequencies, but that's not the topic of this video. This video is about my relationship to this place and my old life and how my reality has changed and my relationship to it has changed, um, during the years, during the past three years. And when we left here three, about three years ago, I just really, I hated this place. And it was like kind of a hate that had been growing for, um, quite a while. Maybe even since I can consciously remember. Um, but it was, it like grew exponentially because of, you know, everything that happened a few years ago. The virus and the lockdowns and the government's response to it. And like, felt like a great veil was lifted. And I could see through this, or I could finally see through this charade. A charade of how this, this world works and of course I'm not the only one, I know many of you had the same experience, we call it the experience of awakening. And This experience, this awakening, it really like shifted something in me. My reality became a new reality and it really was a catalyst for taking radical action. You know, my life changed completely, completely. I changed completely in just two years or under two years. Um, and so this awakening and, and the fear that it brought and the hatred that it brought, it's very negative feelings, um, they served me as, as kind of a superpower and it's something I, I regularly talk about and we'll talk about more, but for me, this was a superpower, not for everyone because many people are numbed by fear or They stay in this pattern or in this cycle of fear. But for me, it was a superpower. And so everything just changed. And in the beginning, look at this, meditating in the middle of the city. I love this. Something I also wanted to shoot a video about is how, wherever you are, you can stand in your own high vibe, high frequency in love. It doesn't matter if you're here in Belgium or if you're like me living in Panama. Although, it is a lot more challenging to do that stuff here. For me, I prefer to do it in the jungle. But anyway, that's something for another video. But so, my relationship with this place, um, in the beginning, I hated it and every time I got back, you know, I was like pushed with my face into the facts. That's how it felt to me. Um, I just couldn't like unsee what I saw. And so it became a reality to really see this place in this very negative experience. And one of the challenges or one of the, yeah, one of the challenges that I had in the past years was to try or to first understand that this relationship wasn't healthy and second to try to change that relationship to this place. And it's still a process, but I'm really hoping for the day that, or working towards the day that I can just experience this place from a place of love and from a place of a very high vibe and high frequency. And this return, I noticed that I'm getting there. It's getting better. I've changed my relationship to this place. And why I have done that is because I have changed my own reality and my own perception of reality. And how I did that was by firstly creating freedom. This was really the first phase for me, creating this freedom. This phase was about escaping from the matrix or escaping from the ratrace and the word'escaping', it has a very, I mean, negative connotation to it, you know? It's about trying to get away from something bad. And once I've done that, once I've created this freedom, um, this is a very interesting, very deep process. And it's not easy because you. You've put yourself outside of a system that used to like regulate your life in, in, in every way possible. And so you fall into this almost black hole. As I started this video, there is no manual for this. You have to discover this yourself. This is your own unconventional path. And so you truly have to figure out, um, how you want to live and, and how that looks for you and, and what makes you truly happy. And that's really a difficult thing to do. Trust me, it's, it's fucking difficult. It's really not easy. Um, and once that happens, As I said, you, you enter this, this black hole and then at some point, sooner or later, um, you will have created so much time and space in your life, if you do it, if you do it right. that you will discover, and in this I'm going to make much more content about, but you will discover that the matrix or the rat race or the system that you were trying to get out of and that you got out of, that this whole system was actually Um, a way to fill up the void that is inside of you because you are disconnected from your true essence. And this is something really big once you see that, once you, your awareness get to that, gets to that level is that you understand that your outside world is just a pro, a projection of your inside world and your inside world. Um. The problem there is that you are disconnected from your essence and so you try to fill it up with stuff, stuff in the outside world. Um, and that is actually what the matrix is. And then at some point, next in this, in this journey, um, you're, you're coming home again. And this happens inside, but also outside. And the place where this can happen really depends on you. For us, it was the jungle in Panama, but I mean, it can be, it can be right here, in the city center, in Belgium, in what people would call the absolute heart of the matrix, or the heart of the system. This distorted version of reality that exists because all of us, collectively, we have some kind of hole, some kind of wound inside of us that we try to fill up with this projected reality. That is distorted reality. It is a reality that operates in a low frequency. It's a reality that operates in fear or from a place of fear, from a place of scarcity, um, from a place not knowing what you truly are and what your true worth and your value is inside of everything that is happening here. And so when you come home again, inside and outside, for me, I had to first create this space and time in my outside world in order to make that process happen. And for me, this happened in the jungle in Panama with the help of some, uh, some spiritual mentors. Um, but again, this is, this is super personal. This can, can, Doesn't necessarily have to happen there. It's just a lot easier there because the place where I did it the operating frequency over there is much higher and it is a frequency of love over there and it is Um, it is not so influenced this this physical the physical place over there the physical reality over there is not so much influenced by the distortion and so you can Really experience essence. You can experience nature, you can experience essence. You have the room there to do it without any distractions. Which is much more, which is much harder to do here in this reality. And so when that happens, um, you connect with your essence, with yourself. And so your inner world changes. And because of your, because your inner world changes, and because you operate in a much higher frequency, the frequency of love, which is our natural state of being, you automatically also start to see the outside world in a different way. And it's like you, it's almost like you enter this new dimension. As some people often speak about going from 3D to 5D. And this is actually true. How you could see it. You just enter a new dimension. It's not like a new world or an other place It's this place, but you experience it in a higher frequency. You experience it in an expanded way almost And so when that happens, you really start to experience another reality and you start to understand that, um, looking at what is going on in the world, is a very, in a negative way, is, is just detrimental to your own, um, personal growth and to your own or to the quality of the experience you have in this reality. And the moment you start operating in these higher frequencies, you, you just, you just push it away. It just doesn't interest you anymore. It doesn't serve you anymore because it has served you, or me in my story personally, it has served you getting to that phase, getting to that stage, getting to that situation, getting to that reality where you can reconnect with your true essence. And that true essence is love. So you automatically change and you automatically start seeing reality in a, in a new way. And this is what I'm really experiencing now. And of course, this is a process. This is a never ending journey, I think. And, but I'm here now in Belgium and I'm in a high vibe. And so for me, it's super interesting. Um, and I'm very curious to see what these three weeks will bring and if I will be able to keep standing in my own inner world and In that power and in that frequency of love and to see if I can Um keep my reality here or my experience of reality here that way so this is truly something I wanted to share and What I think is important to add to that, um, And what I have experienced and also seen in other people is that once you've mastered, you know, this game, once you've mastered the system or the Matrix or the Rat Race, once you've turned that into your own advantage, uh, which doesn't necessarily have to mean a bad thing toward others, absolutely not, but once you've built this freedom or once you've mastered it, this will automatically mean a certain amount of freedom has been achieved. And then once The next thing becomes, what are you going to do with that freedom? And so everybody has their own journey. Some people start really spiritually, are spiritually really advanced and Start from that way and build their journey from that place and start to Create success within the system afterwards and some people do it like me They first create success within the matrix or within the system and then they discover your weight This success is not giving me happiness. It's not giving me real fulfillment This is not what it's about what it's really about is really connecting to my essence and going from there And that's also the journey of the road that I've taken But as I said, once you've built this freedom Room space and time gets created in your reality to work on that next step, which is, um, vibing higher, which is operating in the higher frequencies, the frequency of love, which will radically alter your perception of reality, um, which will lead to you. learning how to master your reality. And that is also the next step for me is to grow, to keep continually growing in that, uh, in that ability to do that and to help others in that same journey to do the same. That's just what I wanted to share. If you feel this resonates with you, I would suggest you just reach out to me and just let's have a talk to see and discover how I could help you in this whole process. See you in the next video. Cheers guys.