Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Why I Quit Talking About All The 'Bad' Stuff Happening In The World... (should you too?)

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Hello my friends, third week in Belgium, taking a walk in nature, it's quite beautiful here, super calm, super peaceful, um, not easy to find in the city, and I really miss that, so I came out here just for a walk. I came to Belgium all love and light. I was feeling amazing and then I got sick after three days and I've been out for like 10 days straight so it was super annoying. Had so many plans, wanted to see so many people and that all just like yeah kind of fell apart. So super annoying but anyway it is what it is. I'm feeling a bit better now, starting to recover. Um, not 100%, but hey, again, good enough to shoot this video. And this is also a video I wanted to make, or I was planning to make for quite a long time. And the video is about, why I have quit talking about all the bad things happening in the world. Not only that, but I've also like, completely stopped consuming any information regarding that. And depending on how long you guys have been following me, um, but my life just drastically changed. Many people call this like, an awakening process, an awakening journey. Um, as I know that many of you are on this journey as well. But I think for me, this is an important video to, to share with you guys, because one, I just wanted to explain, you know, why I'm not longer making the content I have been making. Um, and also why you will be seeing a different, a way of communicating a different content of me going forward. And I just think that this could also help many of you guys, because I know that many people are still like completely wrapped up in, in all this bad stuff that is happening in the world. What some people will call the great reset and that kind of stuff. So in this video, I want to explain, um, why I have done this and why I think it's just important for you to do this as well going forward. So let's dive into it. Now, I think it might be beneficial to start where everything started for me. And, uh, you know, my, whole life, freedom has been like a, a major theme or like even the most important theme on which I've built everything and on which I've took my decisions in life. I always wanted to experience this great sense of freedom. this was super important for me to have. Um, and some, some years ago, about three or four years ago. I can't remember exactly. Like so many things happened in such a short time in my, in our life. And, um, so a couple of years ago in this pandemic or plandemic, whatever you want to call it, hit us. I was just really confronted, like in my face, like, oh, you're not as free as you thought you were. No, there was like a government that just could control my movement and could decide that I had to stay inside for some bullshit reason. And that was really difficult for me to swallow. Um, as I said, because, you know, I've chosen the journey of being an entrepreneur, um, for the freedom that, that brings. Um, and so when that happened, I was really like, okay, you know, I need to get back to the drawing table and, let's just see where we are and let's just see, you know, what, what I've been doing. And that is still making sense what I've, what I'm doing with my daily life and with my life in general. And I figured out at that point, like, okay, I'm not like truly living my dreams, you know? I've always had this dream of, going abroad, going away from Belgium, living a different kind of life far away from the rat race, far away outside of the matrix. Um, and I discovered back then that I was kind of settling in the matrix and settling for like half a dream. Um, what is something that many people do, but at some point in life, something, Might hit you that will cause you to review all that and review your life and just make the decision to go you know, either truly build your dreams your real dreams or just yeah continue a life within the system a life that's good enough a life that you can settle for and back then when this this thing happened the pain for me was was so big and this negative feeling that I got and this fear that everything brought about, because of everything that was going to happen or was happening was so big that I was really like, okay, man, this is, this is kind of your, like your, your last chance to really go and build your dreams. Um, especially because, you know, as I said, freedom is so important for me and how I looked at things was like, Hey, um, freedom might become something impossible to attain. Um, In 10 years from now. So I really have to do it right now. That's how I felt. I have to take radical action right now. And if you look at how people change things in life, that's basically how most of them do it is they just, they just experienced some kind of crisis in their life. The pain is so big. They need to change it right now. And that's when they, they finally, um, start taking action. And so it's also kind of what happened to me. And I know this is true for many people, and many people would call this, um, their, their awakening phase or the great awakening that we as humanity are going through. And this is also something that I still believe in. This is still part of my belief system is that, um, how I see it right now, how I see what I've, what I've learned in going deeper into it is that we are experiencing a shift in or an expansion of our consciousness. Um, as humanity, we are like lifting on the scale of the frequency in which we operate. Um, but in order for that to happen, a lot of the stuff that is happening on a lower scale, or that is happening in the dark, needs to come out. Um, and that is what we are seeing right now. And as human beings, um, especially here in, in the Matrix, in this Western system, we try to do things from a very, rational way of approaching them. And we, um, just use our senses and our minds, our brain, to make sense of, of this experience that we are having. And, um, I think that's, that's my, my idea of it is what we are experiencing is kind of a breakthrough to a less denser, denser level of consciousness. And so the reality that we individually and collectively have created to make sense of everything we're experiencing, um, this grand stage on which the human drama is unfolding and the system that has been built around it, um, it is kind of collapsing. So the matrix is kind of collapsing as you, this is a way of, of looking at it. And so this is what we are actually experiencing and what we're feeling is that we are undoing ourselves, ourselves, unboxing ourselves from this kind of lower tier system that is, um, that is driving, humanity that is driving human action, and that is organizing society. We're kind of undoing ourselves from that. Um, and we're growing to something bigger, to something higher. Um, and of course it just makes sense that, every system that we've built surrounding that, um, when it starts to collapse, that we are experiencing this in, in our perceived reality as well. And so, What happens is that you start to look at everything that is bad that is happening in the world. But it's not something new. It's just the way we as humanity have organized ourselves, how we have experienced reality. But because we are expanding ourselves, because we are expanding the way in which we can perceive reality or even shape reality, um, we are, we have to undo ourselves, um, from this old system. And so we start seeing. this old system and we also start seeing everything that's wrong with it or everything that is no longer serving us going forward. And this is what I think is, is happening at the grand scale. Why? Because this whole system, this whole matrix, it is just something that we have created in order to fill up a void that is inside of each and every one of us. And this void, how, how has it, um, How did it, um, or why is it there? Why is this void there? Simply because we are all disconnected from our source. And I'm saying all, I don't mean everybody. Because I've also like, start to experience something different, something outside of that, because I was able to break away from the matrix based on all that fear programming and based on that fear that I experienced. But, um, I think most of humanity is still reliant on this system that we have created, this collective reality, because there is still a big disconnection from source going on inside each and every one of us. And it's always like this. What happens in our inside world, in our inner world, will always get projected in our outside world. And so the matrix, this system, society is just that. a way of filling up that void in order to avoid having to go, um, truly through all the pain, through all the trauma, through all the darkness, in order to be able to connect again to source to light and love. Now then back to, you know, why I quit, consuming or talking about all this information. Like what does this have to do with anything? Of course, the information that we consume and the information that we share with others is what is shaping our own individual reality and also collective reality. And what I've noticed in the, in the past years, I, I broke away from the system. I broke away from this matrix. I've built what I now call ultimate freedom. And it is in that ultimate freedom that I really was able to, yeah, connect to source again, to have that time and space to really do the inner work that was needed. And again, it's not like I'm finished. I don't want to call myself enlightened or this enlightened individual or guru. Absolutely not. That's really not what I want to do. I realize that this is just like a never ending journey. Um, but I, I was able to, um, experience the escaping from that system. And yeah. Experience something different in this connection to source, which is such a profound and deep and amazing experience. Something I want to go forward with in also helping others to attain that as well. To go through that experience as well. But in this transition in which I broke away from that system, Um, helping others do the same became like kind of my profession and I did it by really focusing on, on the fear that was ever present and on all these stories and these narratives that we tell ourselves that our rational mind has made up and the collective reality has made up in order to make sense of what is happening. Um, and it's, it's logical that people are scared of that change because our, our whole identity, our whole ego is built and based upon that, matrix that is collapsing. And so, you know, our egos are getting like shaking, our, our identities are getting shaken. Everything we think we are is getting shaken. So of course that is super, super scary. And of course. Some people don't want to look there. Some people don't want to go there. Some people just want to, some people just want to stay the same, which is, which is, which is normal. Not everybody's ready for this. But so this became my profession, you know, like this was how I started making money by sharing what I was seeing and how I was thinking that people should, should act upon that. And at some point I just noticed like, hey, I'm in this new world, um, in this new experience in this new reality, the reality that I always dreamed about of being in. Which is a super cool experience. Um, but still like one, one leg is still in the oath. And it's, it's kind of holding me back. It's kind of dragging me. Um, because why would I, why on earth would I still look at all this fear based stories and programming when they don't inflict me anymore? When they don't have no effect on my life anymore? And when I can just be at peace and in calmness and in love and in light and in joy and in happiness um, you know, so That was just a very important insight for me and of course because my business was built upon it a part of my identity and my ego was built upon it um, it took me a while to really see that I was unaware of it for a long time I was already feeling the misalignment for quite some time, but I thought it had to do with like stuff outside of me, like strategies and tactics for my, for my business to grow. Um, but at some point I just realized, wait a minute, I have to go inside and do, do some work, in order to really change what is outside of me as well. And so that's what I did. And, um, I just like completely, completely quit. Um, consuming all this bad and negative fear based information and also just stopped talking about it. Now the interesting thing and the cool thing is that when this has become such a, um, part of such a big part of how you see the world and how you do things and how you act upon that information, you really start to see like how impactful the information is that you consume and also the stories and the narratives that you tell yourself because these become belief systems and these belief systems become. truly how you see, and experience your own reality. And you are actually in the moment, real time, continuously shaping your own reality. You might think that it is something outside of yourself. you might think, you cannot change anything about it because that's, that's what you believe. That's your belief system. You have a belief system that is, um, that is you. Influenced more by collective reality than your own individual reality. However, if you pay very close attention, and if you did what I did, switching, um, the information that you consume, then all of a sudden, gradually, you start understanding, you start seeing like, hey, wait a minute, I can just shape my own reality. I can completely control my my own reality. I'm actually creating my reality all the time, whether I'm aware of it or not. I am manifesting it right now, all the time. But if I pay attention, if I change my belief systems, if I change the information I'm getting inside of me, If I change the stories and the narratives that are being told, then I also change the way I perceive reality. And then of course the question becomes like, okay yeah but what is truth and this is true and this is a fact and blah blah blah blah blah. But the thing is, what is true, I think, is that you cannot be sure of what is really true or not. Um, just look at like quantum physics, you know. Something becomes true once it is perceived. Or once it is witnessed. And if it's not witnessed, it's not there. So, how do you really know that all these stories about how the world is working, or how the world is a very bad place, or how all these things that are happening, how do you know that they are actually happening? How do you know that they are true? How do you know? How do you know that? This is something that you really have to ask yourself. And then once you understand that you can completely shape your own reality, that you can choose what you experience yourself, then of course comes the next question, which is an important question. And that is, okay, what kind of information is coming inside of me? How is it shaping my belief systems at this moment? And, um, who are the people that are shaping my belief systems? And are these things actually serving me right now? As I've said in previous videos, um, this fear, um, that I used to completely change my life, it became a superpower, it became something that actually served me. So I'm not saying that believing in these stories and in these narratives of how the world is ending, um, is necessarily a bad thing for you because it might actually be serving you right now, just like it served me. But at some point for me, for example, it stopped serving me and I had to switch my belief systems. I had to switch the stories and the narratives that I told myself that I believed in. I had to switch how I was allowing collective reality to influence my own individual reality, um, in order to go forward again. And so what I would invite you to do is, um, to really just spend some time with yourself and ask yourself the question, what do I think that is happening in the world? And how is it influencing me? Or how is it serving me? Or how is it not serving me? Where am I getting my information? From who am I getting my information? Because this is also a very important one. I start looking at, ok, who is giving me this information? And then when I start looking at how these people are living their lives, and it's not that you can only, who take information from people who are exactly living as you would be living, because that's, that's quite hard to find, I think. Um, but you just look at how these people are organizing their lives. And what I found was that most of them, they're actually not doing anything about it except talking about it. And of course, spreading information is, um, not a bad thing, or might be able to help a lot of people, for sure. However, information is also just the lowest, the lowest, the lowest, the lowest rate of transformation that you can get. So getting information but not taking the action is in some cases, in some cases, um, like, the opposite of beneficial for many people because they just stick, they just like get looped inside of these, stories and narratives that they tell themselves. And they use it again as a way of not taking responsibility for their own situation. So again, this is something that I would really invite, you to do is to pay attention to one, where are you getting your information to, from who? And three, is that the information that you're consuming on a daily? How much of it is actually useful information? Because when I've done this and all the information that was coming in, I just noticed like, hey man, like 90 percent of this information is just. It's just repeated information. It's, it's not new information. It's not useful information to me. And I started paying like very close attention to how I was reacting to certain information. And today, of course, most of us get most of our information through social media. And I have this like love slash hate relationship with social media because, um, on one hand I love it because it allows us to distribute information on a daily basis. Yeah, never seen before scale and speed, which I think is really helping us, um, in this grand awakening. Again, this grand awakening is also just a story that we tell ourselves anyway, it doesn't matter. It's a story that might be beneficial to you. So decide for yourself if this is a story that you, um, can accept and can believe in and can act upon in a good way. So again, um, that's why I love it. On the other hand, of course, I also hate it because social media is just, you know, it can be a very toxic place. Um, even for me, I've built my, my dream life in a few years, but when I open social media, I just scroll for like 10 minutes and I feel like, I feel like a loser, you know, because there's always somebody who's making more money than me. There's always somebody. Who's on a more beautiful location than me. There's always somebody who's just happier than me. There's always somebody who has like more friends than me. So, it's so fake. Yet it does impact, impact us because it just goes directly into our senses. And so I think, um, you know, there are two, two sides, two sides to it. Um, I've taken, um, many social media holidays or social media detoxes. Um, and I just finished one for six months. And as I said, again, um, just the impact on how you perceive reality or what you, or how you can shape your reality is massive. And social media can truly help with that in a beneficial way because, you know, you have a feed and you have an algorithm. And although everybody thinks that the algorithm is something bad and, Um, it is trying to control us or whatever. It's trying to, censor the truth or whatever, etc, etc. We feed the algorithm by, by, by showing the algorithm which information we like and which type of people we like and we don't like. And so you can shape the algorithm to serve you. Absolutely. You can create a feed that only inputs it. positive, happy, joyful things, or things that bring you those kind of emotions and those kind of feelings. And that's in the end what it's, what it's all truly about. Or you can choose for the um, algorithm to send you All these bad stuff, or all these things that trigger you in a bad way. Um, all these things that give you fear. That make you jealous of others, of other people. That make you insecure about yourself. Et cetera, et cetera. You control this. Um, so don't blame the algorithm. Blame yourself. That's also why it's called a feat. It is feeding you information and you are able to choose which information it is feeding you. And of course the algorithms control some stuff, but I've tested this myself. You can completely control, um, the algorithm in a way that can truly serve you. So, please pay attention to that. Um, and please just ask yourself where you are right now. What information is truly beneficial to me and what isn't and how should I change that and in order to have a better experience to have a better shaped reality Just know that the information that gets inside of you every day And it's a lot of information that gets inside of us every day It's just a major major major driving force of how you feel throughout the day and how you experience your own life And so going further for me, this is what I wanted to share with you guys. Um, I will be sharing none of that nonsense anymore with you. Um, because you know, I don't care about it anymore. Like I completely don't care about it anymore. Um, as I said, it has served me up until a certain point and now it's time to do the things different. And so I won't be sharing any of that anymore going forward. I also don't believe that the solution lies in. Sharing that information or that type of information you can beat fear by using fear you can beat hate by using hate etc. We all need just more love and light in our lives and this is also how I'm going forward in everything that I do and in just how I experienced my own reality to be so much better than consuming all this negative information. Now again this doesn't mean that you should look away um, I think you should be look at how some of the stuff that is happening in collective reality is influencing your own reality. And if that is causing bad stuff happening, then yeah, you might want to consider how you could change that, for your own benefit and for the benefit of others. So I think I said what I wanted to say. Um, Um, going for the, going further, as I said, um, no more, negative information. Going further, um, going further, I feel like what serves me the best and what would be able to serve others in the best way is really just showing, um, what I think is possible to create on your own is really the best. To show you how you can carve your own path is really to show you how you can truly master your reality and how you can become an abundant creator um and these are the things that I want to share the tools that I want to share Um, yeah from now on. So I think it was important for me to say this to like also find some type of closure on that and also to, to, to explain to you guys why you shouldn't expect any of that stuff from me anymore. So I hope you enjoyed this video. Um, and see you in the next one. Ciao.