Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Are You Stuck In Your Business?

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Hello people. I quickly wanted to shoot this video. Um, there's this profound shift I'm noticing in many entrepreneurs, especially in the online entrepreneurs and even more so with online entrepreneurs who are in the education space or coaching mentoring space. Um, stuff like that is that they are truly shifting the way they are doing things. And there's a big chance, especially if your own lifestyle has been a major part of, um, what you're selling your courses, your programs, your coaching that in the recent years, you've done tremendously good for yourself that you made a lot of money, um, by levering social media. And I think it's important to note that, um, using social media as a way of selling stuff is actually still quite new. It's even like still quite new technology. But it offers tremendous leverage. It is like real time, it is, it's almost frictionless. And so it's just super easy to write, to, um, reach the right people for almost no money except for your own time and energy. Um, and so many of us started playing, in this attention economy game, a lot of us without really realizing or being conscious about it. But somewhere down the road, because it was so easy, um, of making money online somewhere. We thought that this could just go on forever, that this would not have any impact on us as an individual and how our relationship is built with our online business and with the people we and down the road somewhere, we just made it. I was just somehow got caught up in this attention game in this in trying to, um, stay ahead of that or trying to stay above the way the algorithm works. So we really, yeah, probably made a lot of money doing that. Um, but down the road in doing that and in thinking about how we could leverage and grow that instead of really putting most of our focus and our time on truly helping and serving our people and our clients, we kind of started more and more focusing on playing the attention game, doing the marketing and really more and more focusing on just making sure that we're the next group of people is ready to buy our products. And I think this is a major mistake that many online entrepreneurs have made. And I think it's also quite logical again, because of the fact that it was just so easy to reach people and so easy to sell, especially if you include your own lifestyle. into what you offer. If you say hey, look at how fantastic my life is and how happy and cool and successful and rich I am. And, the only thing that you need to do to get this as well is just buy my program or my coaching or my course. Um, you know, I think it's just quite a logical consequence of, of the fact that it was so easy, but, it, it also, um, something that is probably for many entrepreneurs, especially for entrepreneurs who have certain depth to themselves, who are quite conscious, quite spiritual people. Um, it started to become super draining because you know, they always had to play this algorithm game, always trying to beat this attention game that they're playing in order to get more clients. Um, but when they were really looking at who they were serving, um, most of them were just not the right people for them, not just the right clients for them. Um, but because it was so easy to sell to all these people, they were we just didn't really think about it or didn't go any deeper into that. Um, and many entrepreneurs are now in this profound shift, realizing that, hey, a good company has to be built on, first of all, being able to charge you true value. And secondly, being able to really serve the right people, which is actually two different things, serve them. and having and making sure to serve the right people. Now what many of these online coaches and mentors and online educators did was like completely ignore those three fundamentals for building something valuable, building something durable. Um, they charged almost no money for what they were bringing to the table because they were charging almost no money. They weren't attracting the right type of people. And because they were all charging so little money, they were also putting their attention, as I said, more in building a funnel that just could attract more and more people instead of really focusing on results and helping their clients. And again, I understand why this is. I've done this myself. And one of the reasons that this also, um, is a truth for many online entrepreneurs is because somehow with this online education, with this online space through social media, you can kind of hide yourself. You know, it's like this thing that stands between, you in real life and, um, the people you're helping. It becomes like a buffer that can create a distance. And, um, if you really want to, you can hide behind that digital thing. You can hide behind social media. You can make everything look much better than it actually is. And because this was a new technology that could be leveraged, um, client results just became like less important than, just trying to sell to as many people as possible. Now, again, I think, um, many people who are spiritual persons who are conscious, and who want to get a certain, depth out of life, um, who aren't like superficial in, in what they want from life. They are now, um, starting to realize that and becoming aware and conscious of that exact shift. And so they start to realize, or they might be aware of it or unaware of it, um, that there is this unhealthy relationship to what they're offering or there is this unhealthy relationship. In this energetic exchange, they are experiencing by selling their stuff because you can sell your stuff and it might give you a lot of money. But if you're selling your stuff to the wrong people and the people don't really do anything with what you're offering and with your value and your expertise and in how you can help the people and they don't really do. With it, what they should be doing or what the potential of that is. Then there's not a, a healthy energetic exchange, and this is probably also what you're feeling and what is, what is draining you. Again, if you have been through this and you made a lot of money, chances are also quite big that you as a person just experienced a lot of growth because you probably build a lot more freedom than you had before. You probably just experienced, um, a lot of personal growth and a lot of, yeah, learnings and teachings you received from doing this thing and from having this success online. And so now, um, because you were so focused on the marketing and your own results, and the people who bought your products didn't really get out of it what they wanted. was needed because it was just the wrong match and you weren't focused on serving the right people, but focused on selling. Um, there is a, um, a, a very good chance as well that, you have grown apart from what you're offering right now. And at some point you became your offer because you were leveraging it in the wrong way on social media. And so now there's like this distance between who you really are. What you really know and the products you're trying to sell because it just doesn't match it doesn't align anymore with who you really are and who you really want to help and what you want to do with it and what you want to get out of it And so there's this misalignment this balance and I just see this like with so many different online entrepreneurs now. And I think many people are stuck inside of their business because of that. I myself, I just went through this kind of journey and it took me, I think it took me about a year or a year and a half just to become aware of the fact that the problem was not inside of my business in a sense that I could solve it with certain strategies or tactics. No, the problem was that everything was just built on the wrong fundamentals and I just kind of needed to push the reset button. I'm not saying that you should push the reset button. I think it's different for each and every situation, but for me it was needed to do that. And as I said, it took more than a year and a half of trying all different like marketing funnels and tactics in order to fix that, which it didn't fix because that was not the root of the problem. And then I finally became aware of the true problem and the problem was just what was going on inside of me has changed. And that's also why my business, my online business, was representing an old version of me, an old version of self. And so I had to change that. And it took me about, yeah, six months to really understand that. Also because for me it was really, um, the moment I start my company, I didn't have the freedom or the lab that I have built for myself right now. And much of it, much of how the company started, much of the intentions and the energy surrounding it was originated in the matrix or in the system or in what I call the fear based programming. And I'm now out of that. I'm free from that. um, it just makes complete sense that my company or my business or my service or the people I'm serving also should align with that. And so it took me a while, but I think these are one, these are some of the most important things that come with that from a business point of view. And so I think the solution lies in one, becoming aware of that problem. Secondly, really starting to think about what is your true value and start offering things that aren't cheap, but that can truly serve the right people. Um, so that what you offer can also become, something durable, something valuable, something that you can build a true real company around or a business around, not just, um, something that depends on how much reach you have on social media, but something like much more complete than that. I think that is an important part. And then. And next to that is just really starting to think about, okay, um, how do I build a company that is not dependent on social media? And I think we probably are going to see a return to, um, of course the online part will, will, will come. It's still super powerful and still super valuable. It is something that can truly help your company scale. But what I think we will see is more a return to businesses that are going to try to find their clients much more offline or not on social media as a platform. As a focused, um, channel of getting clients or as a focused channel of lead generation, but truly start to try to build offers and services that are just so good that they, that the clients come themselves, um, without having to build these FOMO or scarcity or fear based marketing funnels through social media and other, um, software. I think these are some of the things that you need to keep in mind, in thinking about how you can fix this misalignment for yourself and in how you can go further. And yeah, truly build something that you love doing that really serves the people that can become a valuable business and a valuable asset. Um, and all that in a way that, um, will always be close to who you are as a person that can evolve with you as a person instead of just, you know, getting stuck in, in becoming an offer or in becoming your social media presence, but can really grow with you. And it's just this vehicle that distributes your own self discovery, your own self actualization in order to help other people do the same, who then in their turn can help others do the same as well. I'm super curious, um, to hear from you guys if, some of you have been experiencing this thing as well in this shift and how you have been like dealing with it or, um, what solutions you are trying out or how you are changing your business or what you do or who you serve or how you price things or how you get clients, et cetera, et cetera. So please let me know. I'm looking forward to your reaction. And if you think this is useful, um, please share it with somebody that you think needs to hear as well. Cheers.