Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Nobody Has All Their Shit Together

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

In this episode, I want to talk about why absolutely nobody has all their shit together. Although this might seem so these days, especially on social media. And as you might have known, Already, I have this double relationship with, with social media, uh, at one, on one hand, I like love it because we can just share information with each other real time on a global scale. So this is truly a very powerful force of distribution. And I actually believe it's a major impacting force on the expansion of human consciousness. So I think that's a good thing. Of course, the bad thing is that, um, it becomes this place where everybody just pretends and is too scared to really share authentically what they're going through and everybody just makes everything look better. And so once you open social media, you start scrolling, you get this idea that you're, Yeah, not good enough, not successful enough, not pretty enough, not rich enough, not enough. You don't have enough friends or you don't have enough fun or you're not living in the best possible place or whatever. So, uh, even if you're living your actual dreams, like I do. You're still like confronted with these negative emotions, negative feelings, the moment you start scrolling and you just don't feel good enough. So that is, I think, um, pretty bad thing about it. Um, and I think especially. In recent times, I mean, social media is kind of a, kind of a new recent technology. Um, it's only in like very recent times that it has become a place that's more about selling stuff than actual creative expression. I think social media, for example, especially like Instagram, it started out as like this place for like true creative expression, and now it just has become a place, um, where everybody's. Trying to sell something and I've really noticed it back here when I spent some time in Belgium in the jungle in Panama I really didn't I really didn't didn't don't get like many Advertisements but here in in Belgium, holy shit, man I get like after every two stories I get like four advertisements of people trying to sell me Something that can help me build my dreams or that can help me get rich or I don't know It can help me look better Perfect or whatever, these kind of things like, and it's like super annoying and I'm really surprised by it because it never caught my attention in this way. So what we are seeing, and actually believe we're on an inflection point, I'll get into that a bit later on, but what we're seeing is that everybody's using this technology as a leverage, as a way of marketing, as a way of selling. Um, a fake idea. And so they are presenting themselves as an expert or a guru or somebody who has it all figured out and is living this perfect life with an amazing lifestyle. And, you know, if you want this then, or if you want what this person has, then you can achieve this too. And the only thing you need to do is buy their course or their program or whatever product they are offering. And I've, I've been doing this myself, you know, I know how this works because I've actually made a lot of money. Um, I know this myself and I understand why this, this is happening and I don't think, uh, most of the people, uh, have bad intentions with it. Most of them are probably have good intentions about it. And of course, we're also just copying what we're seeing happening in front of us. That's just what humans do. Um, so it's more like not knowing any better and just doing what the rest is doing. And then this becomes like, uh, yeah, a standard operating systems, uh, system for many people. Um, but what it comes down to is that we try to. Put out this idea that you can achieve some kind of perfection or that life can be perfect, or that it's possible that you don't have to go to life without any struggles. And like we get sold on, on this dream and it ties into, um, having a wrong way of marketing things and having a wrong focus on where you put your attention in time as an entrepreneur, just because of this, the fact that it can be leveraged so well. Um, but what we, what I'm seeing is that many people, they pretend that they have their shit together. And what I've learned from just doing a lot of things myself and just from speaking to a lot of entrepreneurs and knowing a lot of entrepreneurs and just, um, yeah, having like actual connection with other humans is that absolutely no one has their shit fully together. Everybody is struggling with some things, you know. And I think the time has come and we are at this infliction point where just more and more entrepreneurs, especially entrepreneurs who have been using these marketing tactics themselves are just so tired of it. And they can just see for them, for themselves, like when this type of advertisements, for example, passed by, they just know. What goes actually on behind the scenes and how life actually is. If you are a digital nomads, for example, how chaotic life is, how hard it is, how it actually is in order to break free from the matrix and to try to truly find your own unconventional pad and to solve problems. Truly find yourself and all the sacrifices that you have to make for this and all the work that just goes beyond behind the scenes. Everybody knows everybody, everybody who's a digital nomad knows that, you know, working with your laptop next to the pool, uh, Isn't something what, what true entrepreneurs do, like even digital nomads usually don't do it. Uh, it might be fun for you, like your first week at a digital moment, but, but then once you're actually, um, have a little bit of experience in this lifestyle, you just want to work somewhere where you're not bothered. And that's not by the, by the edge of a pool. That's not the place where you can do actual work. That's the place where you go relax. So much of what we're seeing is fake, but we just like kind of repeat it somehow because this is the way it is done. And as I said, I think we're on an infliction point where just more and more people are actually living that lifestyle and they discover that, Oh shit, you know, being a digital nomad is not just like the solution to all my problems. Um, I'm still facing the same type of problems I was having when I was living, um, in Belgium or in Holland or whatever I was coming from. So more and more people are starting to like realize that, that the only solution to problems you're facing right now is, is not in something external, but it's just purely deep work, uh, deep inner work, better said. And. I think many of these entrepreneurs are, who have experienced this themselves and just recognize all these signs. They're just tired of this. I think many of these entrepreneurs are tired of this model that has been used. Um, where, you know, you have achieved certain things and in order to achieve these things, uh, people need to do, uh, exactly what you have been doing. And then you have created some kind of service or product or a course or program or coaching or mentoring around it, whatever. Um, And because you have been leveraging social media, because you have been selling this fake idea, um, you kind of got like wind up into this algorithm game in which, um, you end up putting most of your effort and time and attention in marketing and in playing that algorithm game, playing that attention game in order to get new clients instead of actually focusing on helping your clients. And so, And this whole process, you know, most entrepreneurs like to learn so many things and they just discovered like, Hey, wait, the solution is not in living somewhere next to the ocean, although that is an amazing thing to experience. The solution is not in using these certain, uh, marketing tactics or scarcity tactics or certain funnels or certain, uh, Instagram rules or certain ways of posting things. Um, that's not where the solutions to my problem lie. The solutions to my problem lie in deep inner work. And I think we're going to see a switch. I think more and more entrepreneurs are gonna start to just really share much more authentically, uh, really share the truth instead of trying to, um, craft the truth, trying to put up this fake idea, uh, this fake, perfect life idea. And I think, um, We'll, we'll see a shift that is actually moving away from social media as a single tool for getting clients. I will move much more towards maybe even going offline again. That's also something that I'm planning to do. Um, uh, not having a solo online business, but really incorporating the offline stuff as well in it. And I think this is a profound shift that we will see happening right now, because many, many entrepreneurs, they are gonna start realizing that, okay, they've been making a lot of money by selling their stuff online, by leveraging this new technology called social media. Um, but there's more than just money in an energetic exchange. And if, um, the only thing you're getting back from your clients is money and not the results that you were expecting them to get, or, uh, Even going deeper into what it is that you want to change in their lives and really being able to work with the people that are also able, capable of, of realizing that change in their lives, because not everybody's ready for that. And that's a little bit the issue with selling through social media is that by using these tactics, you just sell your stuff to the wrong people who will not. Kind of never ever do something truly, um, transformational with it. And so again, I think we will see that shift in which everybody will just start to focus more and more on sharing authentically, um, focusing more again on delivering actual true value. And in that process, we will also see that, um, people aren't perfect and that The perfect human condition is about being imperfect. And the more we start sharing about that, I think the more we will all start to understand that it's not about some external solution, uh, but it's really about fixing our own, um, inner world and really, um, that is the only way in order to be able to achieve, um, A life in which you have your shit together. And I don't know if that's an attainable end goal because everybody has shit in their lives. Everybody has issues. Everybody's going through stuff. But I think the more authentically we will share that, the more we will also start to recognize in each other that it's perfectly normal to go through these things and that the solutions. As I said, do not lie in external things like money or prestige or the perfect body or, um, or, or, or the perfect lifestyle or whatever it is that you're portraying through your clients. But the solution is really to go inside, um, and find what the issues you are experiencing inside that are showing in your outside world. Um, so again. I think this is an important message, and I really believe that we're at an inflection point. And this is really also what I'm trying to build next, um, is, is a transformative space in which entrepreneurs, um, If even if you're an online entrepreneur or not, or you have experienced this or not, but it's a space where entrepreneurs really learn or people really learn, um, to build a valuable company, a valuable service to humanity by doing the necessary inner work for that. That's what I wanted to share on this topic.