Benjamin Van Doorslaer

$1.000 for 60min?! (lessons on money)

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

This recording is about wrong ways of looking at money. And there's this thing I offer, but I don't offer it like publicly. And I kind of try not to offer it because that's just not how I want to spend my time and how I want to make my money, but occasionally I offer it to people who reach out to me. And so it's called a freedom call, and it's about really diving in deep in their current situation. Seeing what is the biggest block from them really moving forward. So this can be a lot of different things. Many people reach out for many different reasons. Often it's about, you know, people trying to escape the matrix set up a lifestyle outside of where they're living right now, set up and maybe even international lifestyle, uh, trying to find out what they want to do with their money. Trying to find out, uh, business really related stuff, you know, what they do with their current business or what they should do next and how they find their soul mission. It can be quite a lot of different things, but it's usually centered around, you know, building freedom in this new world we are transitioning into. And so I call it a freedom call. And occasionally, I mean, people reach out and usually I don't even mention it, but when I feel and notice that, okay, this person really wants some help and they really could use my help, then at some, sometimes if I have the opportunity to actually, uh, make the time for it, then Or want to make the time for it better said than I offer it. And it's a 60 minute to 90 minutes call with me, just a one session, one time session, and the price for it is 1000 euros. And as I said, the reason why I don't like publicly, uh, announce this offer, or it's not available anywhere publicly, you can find any information on this offer unless I propose it to you after you reach out and after I'm like, okay, this person is really looking for some answers. The reason I don't publicly offer it is just because it's not how I want to spend my time and it's not how I want to spend making money because I'm quite sure that if I. Would promote it or if I would like, yeah, tell people about it publicly that I would be getting like a lot of Demand for it. And my agenda would just fill up with all these individual calls. Uh, that's not how I want to work with people. I want to leverage my own time. And I also want to work with people in a longer timeframe so I can also really help them to do that. Yeah. Help them with the transformations and the transitions they're going through, because I know that, you know, this isn't an easy journey. Sometimes the solutions are very simple, but not easy to implement and all of this takes time. However. I am convinced though that in 60 to 90 minutes, I can get to the absolute bottom of the solution or the problem, and I can mirror it to the person who asks for this, or who has who has been doing the call with me and I can propose a valuable solution for that in order so that they can really cut through all the bullshit and just move forward in the most leveraged, uh, best way possible. And so having said that, something that was always super intriguing to me is that when I propose it, and again, I don't often propose it, but when I propose it I've gotten multiple reactions of people saying, uh, that 1000 euros is way too much for a 60 minutes or 90 minutes call. And that is to me very interesting. And this is what this recording is about. And this is what I want to deepen in this recording. So I feel like when they send me this message, I can feel like the energy through it. And it's really an energy of almost being shocked, you know, like what I have to pay thousand euros or thousand dollars to talk to this person for 60 minutes. So which, I mean, Automatically also says to me a lot of stuff. I mean, I already know that this person has never ever done such a thing like that. And usually the persons or the people who react like this are usually also the type of people who just don't have much money invested in themselves yet. And so they don't know what to do. What, how to value things, they don't know where true value lies. And it's such a wrong way of looking at a price compared to the amount of time or the amount of work that is directly related to that. And this ties into a completely different way off of looking at money. So what they don't see is that they don't pay for, uh, they don't pay for, uh, 60 minutes of my time. They pay for the whole journey I've been through. They pay for all the investments. In time, in energy, in money that I've made, trying to figure this thing out, trying to figure the thing out that they are now struggling with, that I have already been through that I already have found a solution for. And so then if somebody is not willing to invest 1000 euros or 1, 000 whatever into A solution for the problems that they're facing right now. And usually it's about like almost existential stuff. You know, it's about their freedom. It's about their future. If somebody is not willing to invest. Uh, 1, 000 euros in finding a solution for what they're currently struggling with then how do these people value themselves? You know, I think this is a very important question to ask yourself that if you're not willing to invest certain amounts of money into yourself then how do you truly value yourself? Then how do you see your own self worth? If your own dream life of your own future, isn't even worth investing 1000 euro, 1, 000 in in the advice of somebody who has already done this, who has been through that whole story. This is to me like fascinating and super interesting. And this is also how people. The thing that people need to change about that is, is looking at how time has some kind of direct relationship with that amount of money, because it's not, it's a completely wrong way of looking at it. You have to look at it always as the money you're going to spend on something. If in this case, it's an investment, you always have to look at what is it going to give me? And. It has the amount of work or the time it takes for that work to be done, for that solution to be presented to you. It doesn't matter. It absolutely doesn't matter if I can find that, uh, solution for you in one minute, or it takes me two full weeks of sitting together with you. What is the difference? There is no difference. And this is something that you have to learn to understand that you don't look at the amount of work that goes into it. You look at the result of it, you look at what it can bring you. And so making an investment like that, especially investments in yourself, like coaching or mentoring or educational programs or whatever, stuff like that. Investments in personal development and improvement. You just always think about, okay, if I invest this amount of money, what it what the price of that thing is, and I can get the result promised and I can get the solution to the problem. That is the reason why I'm thinking about investing in this consulting, this coaching, this mentoring, whatever. What is the return of that worth? What is it worth for me to have? Freedom in my life. What is it worth to me to be able to live my dream life? And that is how you need to start thinking about investing in yourself. And I think that is just a very important thing. People always want to know all the different stuff that is inside something that gets offered, you know, people they want to have, All these, I don't know how to say it in English, but in Dutch we call it like tutus and Bella, you know, they want to make sure that they're getting that they're getting something out of it. And so you can cover that up with offering all kinds of stupid shit that don't even matter. And that's not how I work. What I want to do is get through the bottom of it or get to the bottom of it, like cuts through all the bullshit. And that's a lot better for you as well. And so instead of spending your money on all these bells and whistles no, invest your money into something truly valuable and something truly valuable will always be something that can cut through all the bullshit that you are telling yourself. And so again, I'm not wanting to spend 1000 euros on. somebody who is able to find the solution to your problems in 60 or 90 minutes or less than that, then you're just shooting yourself in the foot. So that's the idea I wanted to share in this recording. Hope that can be valuable for you. Hope that can kind of shift the way you look at investing your money and your energy and your time and your efforts into somebody else in order for them to help you achieve a certain goal or desire. Or to solve a certain problem you're facing. But please don't cut yourself short by not being brave enough to invest in yourself again. Uh, talk to you in the next recording.