Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Stop Doing Start Being

Benjamin Van Doorslaer
Speaker 2:

Yes. Hello, my friends. I just got back from a three week visit to my home country, Belgium. I'm back in the jungle and ah, it's good to be back to be honest. And it's always an interesting experience to see how I respond to what is going on and to the collective reality or to the experience of being in my own home country. And most of you know that I left Belgium about two and a half years now ago or maybe even three, and I just really, I was done with the place. I really wanted to live a different life. I was soaked up in everything that was happening in Belgium, in, in Holland, in the west in general. And I just couldn't unsee that anymore. It really became my reality. And I really just. I had to get out of there in order to build the life of my dreams. It was just like a final call to action for me to really finally start living the life that I have always dreamt of. And so in some way, I'm super, not in some way, but I'm actually super grateful for that whole journey. It wasn't, wasn't easy. It was quite intense as well. there was so much negativity, so much fear surrounding everything bad happening in the world and me having to find a solution for that and that solution was moving out and finding a new home. And this visit was actually the first visit. It was kind of a full circle moment because it was the first visit, um, after having find a new home here in, in the jungle of Panama. And the view here, I mean, my office and the view here from my office is just, it's so incredible. When we left like it was the end of the summer at the end of the dry season here so everything was like really, yeah dry and not much green but when we came back rain season already hit and it like takes a few days like maximum one week for everything here to turn green again, so the view right now. It's It's magnificent. It's it's amazing. So super happy to be back As I said, it was kind of a full circle moment in which I and let me get my notes here again you in which I just, yeah, came back to my home country for the first time, really being able to distance myself from it. You know, I, it was the first time in, in, in my life, actually, that I'm, was no longer negatively influenced by that system over there. But by what I call the matrix or what the matrix means for me by that collective reality, actually, that is being pushed upon us as individuals who are living there, which makes it like, yeah, extremely difficult to truly um, feel or to truly master your own reality. At least that's for me. And I'll get back to that later on in this video. Um, this is what, what counts for me. And I know this will apply to many other people as well here following me and watching my videos who have the same idea of the world and what is going on and, and how they really want to live their lives. But again, this is not the truth or something that everybody should be doing. Everybody should really think for themselves and figure out for themselves how they should live their dreams or how they want to live their lives and how that would look like. But a lot of the thinking that i've been doing in this visit in past three weeks was really about mastering your reality which is kind of um a bigger picture way of doing things because I was so focused on building financial freedom, setting up low tax structures, becoming an entrepreneur, reclaiming my time and my energy and my attention, following a certain vision on how to do that, on how to build freedom in this transitioning in times. But in the end, when you get that, it still becomes about actually mastering your reality. Because you might have created that new reality, but still it's about also finding joy and happiness and fulfillment and peace in that new situation. And if you don't know how to do that, you're going to end up with the same issues and problems that you were having when you were living inside of the matrix. Um, so again, it's all about really understanding that there is a collective reality out there that is trying to push a certain way of living upon you. And insight and the knowing and the trust that you can create your own individual reality. Um, in which collective reality does not have a major influence. And so you are able to live as freely as you desire or as freely as possible, um, or to live the life that you personally dream of. And what I've noticed in my visit, Um, in this just like only three weeks, it's strange because it doesn't feel like three weeks. It actually felt like three months. And me and my wife, we were talking about this, how time is just really different in a place like this in a place like Belgium. Time truly moves different. And this is the first time I can really experience that myself. But it feels like I've been away here from for three months at least. Um, but anyway, How was that experience for me? Um, what I've noticed and how it started was really just seeing how disconnected people are from themselves. And because they are disconnected from themselves, they're, they're also going to be disconnected from, um, from other people. And you know, you live here in the jungle, you live a very happy life. Everybody here is safe. It's a lot happier than most people in the west. And so your interactions and your connections here with people are just different, you know, it's a different experience. So when you go back to a place like Belgium, and that's of course not the first time I've um, experienced that in going back, you just notice how unhappy the people are. And even, especially when you go back in winters, that's when this really strikes me. But you really notice how depressed many people actually are. Without knowing that themselves, and so you see this um, there's this connection and this is kind of like logical because this disconnection, um, this causes people to try to find, solutions for filling that void inside of them. That's there because they are not connected to source or themselves. So they need to try to find things, find things outside of themselves. In order to be able to fill up that void and to experience a certain degree of happiness or inner peace or fulfillment or purpose, et cetera. And so people try to find that outside of themselves. And because they need to find that outside of themselves, they try to find that, into the system, into the matrix. The matrix is kind of that, filling up of that void inside of ourselves, a collective system from doing that. But they need to do stuff, you know, they need to be, they need to find, um, they need to go out and find that outside in the world while the answers are all inside of ourselves. But it is very difficult, um, to see that if you haven't yet experienced a place like this or experienced a life like this. And the same accounts for me. I've been trying to look and find for that fulfillment inside of the system and just outside of myself for a long time. And so you get this collective reality, um, which is something that has such a like major influence on how people act, how people think about themselves, how people interact with others. And it is, it is this collective reality that is so overpowering in a place like Belgium or in a place where you grew up because there's a lot of details and factors that go into how much influence that collective reality has onto your own, but it's so strong over there. I really felt that, um, it is you have to be an absolute master in controlling your reality in manifestation and stuff like that in order to be able to really like withstand that collective reality from influencing yourself too much and so you kind of need to build a certain bubble around you in order for that not to happen. And this is just incredibly challenging in a place like Belgium or Holland or the west, because, yeah, it's almost impossible to not have to interact with this collective reality. For example, um, you, you wake up, you go to work and, half of the time you spend working, half of your productivity goes away to that collective system through, for example, taxes. And so, of course, this is going to going to have a major influence on you. Um, but it's really about turning inwards to yourself, finding that connection with yourself in order to be able to build this kind of shield or this kind of bubble in order to be not too much influenced from this outside reality. And. I learned in my visit to Belgium, I learned like, okay, it's not that what I'm experiencing here is the solution to everything, um, or that leaving Belgium is the solution to everything. For me, my life here is a lot better for sure. But I also realized that. And it's even more so about having this ability and capability and the tools to truly master your own individual reality so that you're not are able to be influenced by that outside collective reality in a negative way. And thus, um, I would say the ultimate solution is being able to do that. In a place like your own home country, in a place like Belgium or in a place like the Netherlands or in Europe. However, this is of course going to be super challenging. And for me personally, it's something I just don't have any interest in doing. I much rather do that in a place like this because it's so much easier to build that bubble around you to be happy here, to be in inner peace, to be calm, to find this fulfillment, to have this person. And if you have that connection with yourself, everything becomes. about being instead of doing and so I'm so happy to be here and it's in that in those words that the answer lies, it's in those words that the goal lies happy to be here. You know, I can just be here. I don't need to do anything here in order to be happy. I can just be here, be in this place, enjoy this frequency, enjoy this energy, just enjoy this space and time that I have here. And that's just enough for me. I don't need anything more. You see, while in a place like Belgium, I. Need to do stuff in order to be happy. And most of the stuff that I do, um, is work. So I, I just start to be productive. I just start to work. I just start to try to build things, in order to find that satisfaction in order to find that fulfillment. Um, and outside of that, I'm just deadly bored because it's a place that does not hold a frequency or an energy for me in which I can just be. And so for me, the choice is like super easy. It's to come to a place like this. Um, and this can be a, this place can not work for you. This, this place that I'm speaking about, where you can create your own paradise and your own bubble. This can be different for anyone, you know, so you have to make up for yourself what place that is. For me, what I noticed after being there for like, it started, I came there like all love and light. And then after a few days I got sick and I got sick for like almost two weeks. I think it was some kind of recalibration. Um, because I think this, this visit was actually quite an important one for me in the bigger picture. But anyway, so I got sick and I just couldn't find myself anymore in the place. And it's not that I was like unhappy or that I was, feeling bad, but it's just, I just, I just couldn't find what I could find here. And I don't know if you like, um, understand what I mean, but you have like these, these glass balls and inside of them, they're like, there's like a miniature landscape. And if you shake it, there's like all this snow that is like falling down. Um, and that's actually how I feel when I'm in a place like that. I just feel like I'm, I'm really shaken. And it's, it's very hard for me to find that. That, that ground, that, that baseline again yeah, that's feeling that I automatically get here. So that was like an, um, a major insight for me. And what I also noticed was that. I just, yeah, don't give a rat's ass anymore about all these bad things that are happening. I don't even pay attention to them anymore. Like when I used to go to Belgium before in this whole journey of finding a new home, I was really so focused on everything that, that went wrong. And it became, it became my own reality. And I speak a lot more about that in one of my previous videos,'why I quit talking about all the bad stuff happening in the world. And maybe you should to' check out that video. If you are interested in that, but I just noticed that I don't care about it at all anymore. And I'm happy about that, just having built. that live that is no longer influenced by all these bad things happening about, no longer influenced by that collective reality and that collective narrative and story. Um, it just makes me a lot more happy and a lot more at peace. And that's how I want to go through life. So I just, I just don't care about it anymore. And even if you're still living inside of, um, inside of Belgium or Netherlands or whatever other place these things are happening. I would just suggest to also just stop paying attention to them and just focus on living your dreams and building your dreams, whether that's there or at some other place or some other country or some other part of the world. Just focus on that and just leave all that negativity outside. I don't think you should pretend it's not happening, but now that you know all those things how is that still helping you? And I think just like i've done I use that fear as a superpower in order to build this dream life but the question you have to ask yourself is checking all that information. Checking all that news is like focusing on all those negative things happening. Is that still serving you? And if the answer is no, if it's not, um, if it's not doing something positively in your life, then just quit with it and just focus on the good stuff. I think that is, that is one of the most powerful things you can do right now. Another thing that I noticed, and I think this ties in very well well, with the fact that people are so disconnected from themselves, but every time I go back to Belgium. I'm just so impressed with like all the material wealth that out that's out there, you know, if you, if you drive through my home country, um, yeah, everybody lives in a nice house. The living standards are so incredibly high. If you compare that to other parts of the world, or if you compare it to most of the world, we live in such a luxurious place from a materialistic standpoint. Um, however, and this is one of the major things for me, Spiritually, it's, it's empty. The place is empty. And I know that many people are working on this. And I believe that at some point in the future, but this will take quite some time at some point in the future, this will also probably change again. But in general, the West, it's just spiritually empty, man. And this is really something that ties in again with the ideas that I've just been explaining about how this matrix is just a way to fill up this hole inside of you that you have by being disconnected from yourself. And so you search and you try to find this feeling of being content, this feeling of happiness, this feeling of joy, this feeling of inner peace. You try to find it in stuff outside of you and you try to find it in the material realm. Thank you. Um, in, stuff, um, or in accolades, you know, in achievements in approval of others. But all that is just, it's just bullshit. It's just not gonna get you there. Maybe if you're like a superficial person, it might. But if you have some kind of depth, if you're watching my videos, if you listen to what I'm saying. You are a person that has a certain depth to life, then this will never bring you what you are looking for. Um, so this is something that I, yeah, that I always noticed when coming back to Belgium. Um, and so if you're like somebody who is like craving for a deeper sense of, um, life, just, just you have this feeling of, you know, I'm not really living my life. And you miss that, you feel that there is more than then I would suggest, um, to go and to go on a spiritual journey yourself, but also to, um, try to do that, in a place that is spiritually more rich than the west. And there's many, actually, usually the places that are, um, quite poor from a, are quite empty from a materialistic viewpoint. They're often, the places where, spirituality is much more a part of daily life. Um, and that's just because the people probably just have understood that, um, since materialistic wealth is not really available, they have just found yeah, their happiness and inner peace in something different than in where it's supposed to be founded, which is in yourself and in the connection with others and just in nature and, and just the things that are abundantly available to us all the time, at least in a place like this. So having said all that, what also became very clear to me is that, you know, I've been super focused on building a, um, online business in the past years. And I was always like very, you know, I need to build this business fully online because of the advantages that has in growing it and scaling it in profitability, et cetera. But now that I've come back in this full circle moment to my home country, I also realized like, hey, you know, I need to let people experience A place like this. And I'm not saying that this is the only place where you can find this. As I said, this is very personal, but I do believe that I can give people a taste of it in a place like this. And so I've decided that the thing I'm building next will not only be done online, but offline here at this place in the jungle next to the ocean. will become an important part of it as well to really just give people the chance to experience this frequency in which doing becomes almost something irrelevant and to just start being and to just find everthing that you desire and everything that you are looking for in life to find it there. And I know that this is for some people a major step and it scares many people. Why does it scare many people? It also scared me at the start of this journey it really scared me because people are scared of spirituality because they don't have any idea what it will do with them. And so we've all created this ego construct in order to be, um, to be able to make sense of our reality, especially in order to be able to navigate true collective reality and find peace and happiness and success in that system, we had to create like this ego. Um, and so this ego, it wants to stay where it feels familiar, where, where it's comfortable. However, where it's all about is that this connection with yourself, this source, this higher frequency. Um, it is not comfortable in the place where your ego is comfortable. It is not comfortable in collective reality. It is not comfortable inside of the matrix or inside of the system. In order for it to become comfortable, it needs to find its way outside of that. It needs to find a way around that ego. It needs to kind of overcome the ego. And once that happens, things start to, flow very easily. And it does not take much effort. Actually, it becomes almost an effortlessly experience. And thus people are super scared of spirituality because they fear that, you know, they will completely change, or they have no idea that Once they step into this journey, um, you know, their lives will completely change. Their priorities will change. And so the identity that they've built around the ideas of being a successful individual in that collective reality, they might crumble, they might disappear, um, which will have an effect on your life. And so people are sometimes very afraid of the size of that impact, you know, they're scared of of no longer being able to live as a grounded individual. And I've had that fear as well, but what I can tell you is that for me, it did change a lot. However, I'm still the same person. You know, I'm still me. I'm still doing the same things. However, I'm just doing them from a in a much higher frequency in a much higher energy in a much, um, higher experience of myself. This has been a major benefit to me because life just becomes much more enjoyable, much more fun, much more peaceful. Life becomes truly something that is experienced as living. And this is not something that you should be scared of. This is something that you should just trust in surrender to, and just really find the bravery to step inside of that, because this is all about connecting to yourself and yeah, you will find so much depth in all different areas of your life. So that's basically also going to be what my next thing, next business is going to be about. Um, as I said already, um, it will be a mix between business coaching and spirituality about learning how to build freedom, about really mastering your own reality, become an abundant creator, um, and just helping a human consciousness expand. And I will also do this partly, here in the jungle. um, I'm super happy to be back. I'm also super happy that I can step inside my own routines again, really find like that grounded feeling I have here to have that back inside of my life. Um, and for me, next up is really focusing on my new business. So the first people have already said, yes, the month ahead, the month of June, I will be focusing on getting that first group together and just, apart from that, really deeply enjoying and experiencing life here and, continue to go deeper, on this journey I'm on. um, of course I will share this stuff also with you guys. so that's it. That's what I had to say in this video. Um, please let me know what you think of this in the comments. I'm looking so much forward to, um, talking with you guys more about this and answering questions, seeing what you guys think about this and just, yeah, start a discussion, you know, this could be fun. um, see you in the next video. And until then, ciao.