Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Turn Your Gifts Into A Thriving Business

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Hello my friends. First of all, if you have like an annoyance by the noise, I'm right next to the ocean, so sorry about that. I hope the audio is going to be clear enough to understand me. I just finished a one on one mentoring session, and you might know, you might not know, but I help like kind of different types of people. One type is the person who is like really ready to exit the matrix and to build a life of freedom, helping them set that up. Another kind of person that I'm helping is the person who has built like true materialistic success inside of that old system or inside of their own paradigm, has already achieved a high degree of freedom, is kind of already living outside of the matrix or maybe still for a part inside of it like doesn't really matter. But it's really now starting on a more spiritual journey like understanding that inside of the system that true fulfillment and happiness is hard to come by hard to find and that all this material success Was not something that was giving this person what they truly desire and so they're trying to find it outside of that which, um, usually leads them on to a spiritual journey. And like a third group that I'm helping, and often it's just a combination of one of the three, or more than one of the three things. but a third group is more the spiritually already very advanced person who usually has like a true great gift of helping people and transforming other people's lives. But they just have either a very negative relationship with money or they have like financial struggles or they just don't have any business skills and they don't know how to turn their gift into a true, a valuable business in order, for them to also live like a, um, an amazing life, to live an abundant life, to not have to worry about money, to have that stability. In order to, yeah, dive deeper into their own journey, into their own spirituality, into their own growth, and by doing that also helping others to transform their lives as well, who then in their place will probably also start transforming other people's lives, and so you create this like ripple effect. That's kind of like a third group, but as I said, often it's a combination of those three. I don't like to box that in, but I think it's useful if I try to explain who I help in order for you guys to understand. And so today I had a one on one mentoring session with the third type of person, a person who has, um, yeah, just shown an amazing spiritual advancement, who has been down an amazing spiritual journey and growth, but who has not really built any material success or material stability. Started out with kind of a negative relationship with money. Um, not any business skills. Having absolutely no clue on how to build, his business. How to turn his gift into a durable, stable, profitable business. In which, or with which he can then live a more, um, fulfilling life and abundant lifestyle. And so we had this session today, it was very interesting and something I would like to share here in this video with you guys. Um, because my client, what he was doing he actually got stuck in this decision making process or in this modus operandi that is putting all his focus on short term results. And so this created all kinds of chaos and drama in his life and when we got to the bottom of it in the session, it was actually related to, um, his birth and the conditions in which he was born and the chaotic conditions of that birth, of coming to earth, starting life. And there's like a repeated pattern in his life and also in his business and how he's trying to make money, in which he's truly like playing a very chaotic um, survival game. Because these are the patterns that are just so normal to him. And it is actually in a lot of the chaos, he finds a kind of distorted way of comfort. His discomfort is actually the opposite of chaos. So he's actually not really comfortable in a situation that offers true stability, true security. And in that whole process, through his life, it has always been, yeah, a challenge to, make things last. to do things with a longer term view. To build stability, to enjoy the fruits of security and stability, and to of course with that build a certain financial freedom and financial security. And these are some of the things that we are working on right now and it is so interesting because it's almost always the same for everyone. Like regardless of what situation they're coming from but almost for all people that are going through this journey of trying to turn their gifts or even discovering their gifts and then turning that into a good business, um, in order to fund a amazing lifestyle, in order to just have stability, security, inner peace, um, abundance and everything that you desire. It almost always comes down to being able to charge your true value. And before that actually comes, establishing your own value and really having the bravery and the power to step inside of your own value, because most of my clients actually have trouble of figuring out what their true value is, of figuring out how they can truly benefit and help their clients or help humanity, and of course with all that comes that they also have troubles in, yeah, making good money with that. And so this is really something that, we are working on, that I'm working on with my clients in general, but specifically also this client is really, um, focusing on the things that bring long term stability, security, and value into his life. And the only way to do that in his situation and in many of the entrepreneurs situation today, or the entrepreneurs that I help. Is, charging a lot more than they are used to. And finding the type of people that are actually willing to invest in themselves. And are okay with investing a certain amount of money and doing that in order to get actual results. It's lining everything up, you know, you have the entrepreneur itself, my client itself that, that does something super valuable that has like a gift that can truly transform lives. But in order to be able to do that, it needs to attract the right type of people. You need to attract the type of people that are actually ready to invest in themselves. Um, and that you don't do that by offering cheap or free stuff. People who are ready to truly invest in themselves, people who are ready to take radical action, they want to invest in themselves. They are very critical. they're very cautious with free stuff or cheap stuff. They will not look at it as something that is valuable. They will not look at it as something that can truly help them because that's just not the way it works. What they need is like the undivided focus and attention from the person they are investing in, um, for that person to be able to truly, get through to the bottom of their situation and help them with that thing, what that person is actually helping people with. And in order to be able to do that, one, the entrepreneur needs to have a certain skillset developed. So that skillset only comes from a lot of experience or a gift. Um, and so that takes time and time is energy and energy is money. So that person who has developed that skill set then has crafted that gift, um, they've already invested a lot of their time and thus money and energy in it. And so that's one thing. Another thing is that if that entrepreneur is going to be able to put their focus and attention into this person that is a client, then it is impossible to do that for a very low price. Because if you do that for a very low price, it is very hard or it's very difficult or almost impossible to actually make money yourself as an entrepreneur. So that doesn't make any sense, that doesn't add up. And so what you need to do is one, know your true value, charge that and only work with the right type of people. And then at a later stage, and this is a very interesting discussion I'm having with many of my clients, because many of my clients are people who are trying to build new earth' and'new earth' is this new paradigm of just no longer living in the fear programming and scarcity of the world, but actually living in abundance and surrendering and trust and really building or reestablishing the connection with your soul, with your higher self, with God, with source, whatever you want to call it in order to create just a much better world for everybody living inside of it. And so money is often considered as a very evil thing because how money is constructed in that old paradigm is, in a very distorted way. Because the whole system on which it is running is in the hands of just a small group of people who extract all the true value, from all the rest of the people that are basically below them. So it's kind of a Ponzi scheme. It's kind of a pyramid scheme. And so money has gotten in this niche of people that are trying to build new earth a very bad connotation with money because they think it's something evil. They think it's something they don't need and so what happens is that many of these type of entrepreneurs many spiritual entrepreneurs many conscious entrepreneurs. They are um, conflicted on what to charge for their services and they always end up charging way too less. And because they are often, um, yes, are active in these environments where a lot of spiritual and conscious things are going on, a lot of this'new earth' stuff is going on. They are also surrounded by people who have the same um, ideas about money, the same beliefs about money, which are often actually quite scarcity based, fear based belief systems and it's exactly that which they are trying to break that they're now kind of taking with them in this new world where there's like this fear and this evil and this very bad negative connotation with money. So it's kind of a bit um, it is super counterproductive for this group, because, um, if they would be able to use money in their advantage and build a better relationship with money and use money, um, as a positive thing, as a way of actually transforming the world, um, and they would be able to, with those belief systems around money, charge their true value And help those people that are also ready to make a true change in the world. Then everything would just happen much faster and everything would just become a very impactful ripple effect and so this is one of the things that I truly really help or try to help my people and I don't want to call them clients because clients is also a word that belongs in that old paradigm, but I rather refer to them as my people but anyway it's a word that everybody understands what it means. So my people are my clients that's what I try to help them with because it's it can truly change their lives and it can happen super fast and instead of focusing short term or instead of focusing on short term decisions in order to be able to yeah, play that survival game. What I would advise is try to think long term and by acting and taking decisions based on long term ways of doing things you will actually shortcut your own process and you will actually see big results in a very short time so you will be able to really step out of that survival based modus of doing things from a place of fear and scarcity into a place of abundance. Building a better relationship with money by actually standing in your true value and having the bravery to charge your true value and by doing that actually attracting the people that are ready to invest in themselves that have the money that have the opportunities to do that and that in their um, part can start transforming the people the lives of the people that they touch in their daily lives So that's something I always find super important to share with you guys because it almost always comes down to those kind of things which are things that I, yeah, that I help other people with. So if you think this is something that can help you as well, feel free to reach out and we can always, see if there's a match and if I can mean something to you. Thank you for listening and I'll see you again in the next video. Ciao!