Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Wisdom Is The New Gold

Benjamin Van Doorslaer

Hello my friends, today I got this amazing new insight and I wanted to share it with you guys. To me it's something that is just a nice explanation of the journey that I've been going through especially in my business and how I am going forward in building my business. And I got it today just in a mastermind, I am part of somebody just said it like very beautifully. And it's about the foundation on which you build your business. And today, as I've also mentioned in one of my previous videos, many people, many entrepreneurs are leveraging social media, which is quite a new technology. And many entrepreneurs have noticed how powerful it can be in leveraging their own expertise, their own experience, in their business. Uh, certain type of education, certain type of knowledge, certain type of service in leveraging that through social media. And why is that so powerful? Simply because you can just communicate globally in real time, so you can reach so many more people than you used to be able to. At least for almost no money, you can easily reach your people because especially if you're active, with a personal brand or if you're the face of the business, it's quite easy to build authority and trust through social media. So leveraging that creates this very powerful, almost frictionless way of exchanging energy with each other, and many entrepreneurs, thousands and thousands of entrepreneurs are witnessing this in real life today, every day in their business, especially the entrepreneurs out there are doing very well. They have past years experienced how powerful this tool social media can be. And so through that they've also made a lot of money. Now what is interesting, what I'm seeing out there, and I'm definitely not the only one seeing this, but what I'm seeing out there is that more and more entrepreneurs are entering this market and are using social media as their main source for sales, or usually even their exclusive source of sales. And the interesting thing is that of course, the competition is getting way higher than, in the beginning of these social media platforms. the role of these social media platforms is also evolving. They used to be like this, especially Instagram, a center for creative expression. And now they're just becoming this place where everybody's trying to sell something. And simply because of the fact that you can sell so easy, more and more people are also starting to do it and everybody's just like copying themselves. And and as more and more people are entering this marketplace, as more and more people are entering this new era in education in which people no longer want to follow the traditional way of learning through schools or universities or whatever institutions that call themselves centers of education, they are now starting to learn from each other. And so now everybody becomes a teacher and everybody also becomes a student. And so this you can see like this whole movement as a new form of education as the new schools out there as the new universities, people are no longer learning. In physical classrooms, they're learning in digital classrooms or they're learning on YouTube or social media or Instagram, TikTok, whatever. So there's this big revolution going on. And it's amazing. I love that, it's truly changing, how education is done for humankind and in an amazing way, because now all of a sudden the very best teachers on this planet become available to basically everyone. So you're no longer limited to learning about history from your local history teacher that you have to go through history, this boring or whatever bad history classes in the way that we used to do this.

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Now you could say this is like a democratization of information and of education. And a natural consequence of that is that everything is just becoming much cheaper, learning is becoming cheaper because knowledge is just so widely available out there. These days, everybody can share their knowledge online and their expertise. So the conclusion is very simply that, uh, knowledge is becoming, cheaper and cheaper and more and more accessible. Which is, again, a good thing for humanity. Now, you might remember the quote'knowledge is power'. And I don't believe in that anymore. I don't think that's longer true. Just because of the fact that knowledge is so widely and easily available. And so, there's no longer an advantage in having certain knowledge. Everybody can have the knowledge that you are having today. They just go online and find it. In that process itself, there's something very special happening because we're also discovering that there is no one truth, that everybody has their own truth, that there are an infinite amount of truths out there and an infinite amount of possible experienced realities out there. So knowledge is like losing it's status almost or losing its place in the rankings. And so I don't think that knowledge necessarily equals power in this new world. What does equal power in this new world? And this is where things might start to get interesting is how this knowledge is applied. Because we are living in this instant gratification world, we're living in this attention economy, we're living in this space where everything is just yelling for our attention and our focus. And our attention and our focus, they actually become a currency, they become extremely valuable. And so everybody's trying to grab that attention because they now can, through social media, through that technology, convert that into actual money. If I'm very capable at capturing your attention online, through social media, I can be rich. That's simple, if I have the skill set to make sure that you watch my content, that will mean that, of course, if I have the skills to convert it, but let's forget about that part because that's also something that everybody can learn. I can turn that attention into money. And so, everybody's trying to do this. Yeah. Everybody's trying to sell this knowledge online through social media. And in that process, uh, knowledge is becoming much, much, much cheaper. And because there's this big competition going on in this space. There's like a kind of a war going on attention, which is not necessarily beneficial to us because instead of focusing on delivering us the best possible knowledge, or delivering us the tools to turn that knowledge into, actual depth and actual wisdom, which I'll get to later on, which is just knowledge applied to life to what's going on and knowledge applied to how it can truly help you. Uh, instead of that, as I said, there's just like this war of attention. So knowledge, gets yeah, this information online just gets abused in order to simply get you to buy stuff. And so that's not necessarily a good thing happening. As I said, the competition for this is growing and it's growing rapidly. And I can already see the effects of it on this online education space for online mentors, coaches, and people in this education space. Is that everybody's starting to do, or everybody's charging less, less, less. Everybody's creating their stuff much cheaper. And so this is a normal consequence of what I explained that this knowledge is being democratized and so as a effect more and more people are entering this marketplace and so it becomes more and more widely available and thus It also becomes cheaper. And this is one shift I see happening, people, everybody wants to make their money online now. And so everybody's trying to sell something, some things are valuable. Some things are just complete shit. Again, another discussion. but the competition in this space keeps growing. Things get, are going to keep getting cheaper. And so there's this big, yeah, attention war going on, inside of this marketplace where all these people are trying to get their money. They're just trying to sell information and it's becoming more challenging and more challenging because more and more people are entering the space and thus everybody's just trying to undercut each other. Now on the other side of that, as I said, knowledge is no longer the most powerful thing. There's another thing happening. There's another shift going on. There's this other profound thing that is emerging and which is also, what I'm going all in with. And when I truly believe is where the actual value lies is not just, bringing that knowledge, but it's, using that knowledge and applying it into our own lives in order to create depth and wisdom. And that is where the true power lies. That is where the true change lies. Because if you're only gonna be using knowledge and information, that is the absolute lowest grade of transformation possible, it's not gonna give you much. And worst case, you're just gonna get spinned around in this attention war that is going on where everybody's like portraying to have the solution for your problem. And the only thing that you have to do is join their community, join their membership, buy their course or their program or whatever. And you're just keep getting circled around because the simple fact is that the person that is selling you, that the entrepreneur, although that they might have good intentions, they are more focused on marketing because they have to win this attention game. They have to be so active on these algorithms in order to be able to get clients because everything is so cheap. So they don't have like much margin in order to operate on stuff. And so what happens is that, you only get like information, the information. You don't know how to apply it onto your own life, or it might even not even apply to your situation. And so, you start jumping around from, uh, between all these different entrepreneurs that are trying to sell you the solution for your problem. And so that's a very dangerous thing that can happen because it's going to leave you worse than where you started. Which you can, of course, understand yourself why that is. As I said, on the other side, there is entrepreneurs that understand this and that know that, with only information, you

cannot get far,

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you need to apply this information. By applying this information and this knowledge, this is where the true wisdom starts to emerge. This is where you add true depth to your life. And so, what I am doing is no longer make knowledge and information basis of the foundation of my company, but also making that switch to the other side and focusing first on building depth and wisdom, use that as a foundation on which I can build something truly valuable and something durable. Because all of those entrepreneurs that are playing this attention game, because they have to put so much time in marketing and playing the game and trying to stay ahead of the algorithm, staying ahead of others, they are not building a true durable company. You need space and time in order to be able to do that. You need space and time in order to implement the knowledge and information you gather and to use that as depth in different areas of your life, and to have true wisdom emerge from that. It is not something that you can do as an entrepreneur from a place in which you need to play this attention game from a place in which you just are focused on trying to sell as much as possible. And the most focus in your company, you put on staying ahead of the algorithm and just focusing on getting the next group of people in. No, that is not possible. The way you need to do this as an entrepreneur is truly focusing on the people you are serving, the people you are helping, and to really make sure that there is a transformation going on in their lives, that the knowledge that you have, the expertise that you have, the depth and wisdom that you have, that you can make a true transmission, that you can make a very valuable energetic exchange by helping these people. Apply all that stuff, all that wisdom and implement it in their own lives, in order for a true transformation to take place. And this is something that as an entrepreneur, you can not achieve when you're selling cheap stuff. Because one, you won't have the space and time to help your clients because you will be here playing this algorithm game the whole time. And secondly, what you're gonna get is that you're gonna serve the wrong people, uh, because most of the people that are gonna want your free stuff or buy your cheap stuff, they are not truly ready or they're not ready for it. So I think this is a very important insight if you are a coach, a mentor, uh, you are active in the online education space, or you're just like an entrepreneur in general. What I think you should focus on is, uh, not play that game, stay away from that game. And I'm not saying that, you can't sell a cheap course or you can do something for free. That's not at all what I'm saying. I think one of the benefits we have today as humankind is have access to these social media platforms, have access to this amazing technology that allows us to really distribute our depth, our wisdom, our knowledge to literally everybody on this planet and I think, that where we can, we should help the people that do not have the financial access to us. But this should not be the center or the basis or the fundament on which your company is built because you won't be able to build a successful company. And because you won't be able to build a successful company, because there's not enough money coming in and you have to play this algorithm game the whole time, you can never operate and serve at your own individual highest potential. And it's your highest potential that you need in order to help these people. It's the highest potential in which you can operate that the world needs in order for your gift to truly flourish, in your own life for your own situation but also that of your clients and that of just humanity in general. So really think about this. I think this is a very important insight. I've been going through this journey for quite some time now, but just the wording of laying this out, that knowledge is becoming cheaper and that depth and wisdom should become the foundation, again, the foundation on which you can build a true, durable and valuable business. And with foundation, I mean that, that does not exclude you from doing cheap or free stuff, but you need something that is going to cost some money for the right people to be able to get in and to be able to work close closely with you and to be able for you to pour into those people to truly serve them. So build or start out with something that starts here and then later on you can decide okay if I want to grow this, if I want to grow this foundation and I enter this attention game, how do I do it? What would be the smartest way? How can I operate from the same principles that apply here in order to play this algorithm game or this attention game? And I think that will allow you to also show up in this space in a completely different way. Please make this move instead of turning it around and starting here. I have the experience of starting here. And I understand now why it was not the right strategy. Of course, if you are here and you want to make the switch to this place, that's perfectly possible. It's also what I've done. It's also what I'm helping people with. Whether they are starting here, starting there, or are here and want to move there. All the same thing to me. If that's something that would interest you, please reach out to me. And then we can see if I can be of any help in that. Cheers guys, see you in the next video.